Chapter 4 - Unexpected night

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I was lost in my thoughts, still thinking about Minami-sensei as we walked down the streets. Seeing her talk with someone else happily... I don't want that. It gets on my nerves just by thinking about how happy she was while talking to her. I can't believe how one single kiss changed me like that. Gosh, I look like some possessive girlfriend. "Kisaki Minami, what are you doing to me?" I whispered. 

"Did you say something, Kaori?"

"N-n-no, it's nothing don't mind me!" That was close. I should stop vocalising my thoughts. 

"We've arrived, Kaori!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"I hope it's not going to be a failure like last time." I said in an exasperated way, she giggled and then took me in.

"Hi guys~! It's been such a long time since we've been together!" She said with a loud voice and trust me it wasn't a long time. The failure of last time actually happened last weekend and I don't even want to go into details of how bad it ended. 

~Somewhere inside the club~

I looked around a bit, and found out that it was totally different from last time. The atmosphere... it's not the same. I have a feeling it's more... as I was thinking to myself, a hand came tapping on my shoulder.

"Hey, you alone? I heard from Kira that you were looking for someone to play with?" Deep voice, short brown hair, silver eyes and really tall. It was a guy. He looked handsome, but when I think of Minami-sensei, it's totally different. 

"Sorry but, I'm no longer in a mood to 'play' with someone." Rejecting his request, I made my way to where everyone else was, but I was blocked by his hand slamming into the wall. 

"C'mon, we can have a chat if you want?" There was a glint in his eyes that alarmed all my senses in my body to just run away. I knew Kira would never sell me out, but I also knew that she frequented those clubs a lot of times or should I say every week with her other friends, that most people in here already knew her. If he thought that just by uttering Kira's name would get me on my knees, then he was wrong.

"Move." I was not afraid. I knew he wouldn't dare to try anything, but that's when I was wrong. He pushed me to the wall and closed in the distance that was between us, his face inches away from mine. 

"Playing hard to get?" That's what I hated with some guys. They never knew what it meant when a girl said 'no' for the first time and always assumed they were teasing. 

"I have no time to deal with this right now..." I stopped talking and stared right into his silvery eyes and resumed, "...would you rather I call Kira here to deal with you?" I knew what power Kira had over the club here, she was the daughter of the man that owned this club after all and most people knew not to mess with them.

"You cunning little b*tch." It was not the first time I heard that. It happened last weekend too, which led to the disaster of the last time I went with Kira here: some random guy hitting on me, I threatened them, they end up cursing at me, I bit back, they still tried forcing themselves on me and it ended with someone seeing the action, following a full blown fight. Thankfully this time the guy just strode away.

~2 hours later at the bar~

This is not what I thought it would be like, or should I say it's just a repeat of whatever happened last week excluding the fight. I let out a sigh, but then looked at Kira. She seems to be having fun, and as for me, I'm still not over what I witnessed earlier at the school gates. What was wrong with that teacher?! She made it look like there was nothing between us, casually going to talk with other girls while letting them touch her. I felt a boiling rage stirring inside me and without a care about what I was doing, I grabbed whatever glass there was on the table, drinking it down and asked for a second, third, fourth and fifth serving. 

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