Chapter 10 - Decisions

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Kaori's P.O.V

We got caught.

"What is happening here?"

Yuki Fujimura. The last person I wanted to see. What was she even doing here?

"Kao-- I mean, Mitabe-san was feeling upset about something, so I tried comforting her" Kisaki said with a confident pose.

"Oh... is that so?"

She's definitely a good liar.

"Anyway, Minami-sensei, I was looking for you"

The moment those words left her mouth, I could feel a burning rage seep through me. What was their relationship? Was it one of the students that Kisaki enjoyed spending time with? How much do they know about each other? As questions kept creeping up to my head, I could not deny how pissed off I was at how friendly they looked towards each other.

"Oh, you were? We didn't finish what we started earlier, so maybe we could finish it now?"

Was she doing it on purpose to see my reaction? Or did she really enjoy whatever conversation they shared together before boarding the plane? Nonetheless, I could see in Yuki's expression that she was more than ready to pick up from wherever they left it off before. Her face lighted up and if I wasn't involved in a sexual relationship with Kisaki, I would have probably thought they were romantically involved together.

"Yes! I would love to!"

"Great, Mitabe-san would you like to jo--"

"No thanks. I'm tired so I will be going back to the hotel"

Although I said that, I couldn't go back to the hotel, not until I found someone to pair up with in the rooms.

"Wait, Mitabe-san"

"What is it, Minami-sensei?"

My change of tone caught her off guard. She looked at me, perplexed as to why I sounded so irritated.

*cough* "Did you find someone to pair up with?"

As though she read my mind, the question that I most dreaded left her mouth with worry in her eyes.

"Actually I--" Before I could finish my sentence, Yuki cut through, adding more oil to the fire that was already burning.

"Yes, she did! We actually met before I came to find you, Minami-sensei. I asked Mitabe-san whether she would like to pair up with me, but she refused my offer saying that she already found someone to share her room with"

"Really...? Well, that's good. How about you Fujimura-san?"

Was I imagining it? For a brief second, Kisaki had a deadly gleam in her eyes that looked like she was about to punch someone. Maybe Yuki running her mouth like that wasn't as bad as I thought.

~30 minutes later~

This was the longest 30 minutes of my whole life. Not only did Yuki Fujimura held onto me the whole time to make me listen to her god-knows-what story she was telling, but I could also feel myself getting more annoyed as I saw Kisaki enjoying her story telling. It was not until she remembered that she had to complete something that I was finally able to be alone with Kisaki again.

"So? Did you enjoy her VERY interesting and AMAZING little story telling?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Oh, cut the crap. Unlike you, I found it rather interesting, on the other hand, I would have loved it if she didn't disturb our little moment from before" She purred, looking at me with hungry eyes.

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