Chapter 21 - Acceptance

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Kisaki's P.O.V

My first instinct was to check my phone, trying to get any updates on any car crashes around the area. I scrolled through the news and couldn't find any. It was probably not being broadcasted online yet.

I looked at my princess sobbing, crying, her whole body trembling.



I couldn't bare it any longer, I cupped her face and said, "Hey, baby, listen to me... no matter what happens, you can't just give up like this, okay? We are going through this together, and don't you dare assume the worst,"

Her saddened eyes made my heart sink. I pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing small circles on her back as I tried to comfort her.

Minutes went by, and after a good 30 minutes, I heard Kaori's phone ringing. She was still crying, so I picked it up for her.


Mandy: W-w-who is this?

That voice was definitely Mandy's, both her and Kaori's voice being very similar when they were talking over the phone. From how her voice cracked and seemed like it was caught in her throat, I assumed she knew of their mom's accident and was crying.

"It's Kisaki Minami, Kaori's teacher..."

Mandy: Oh sensei... is K-Kaori here?

"Yes, she is... We heard about the accident... I'm so sorry..."

It was silent for a while, only the sound of muffled noises and sobbing in the background.

If she knew about their mom's accident, then it would mean that it must have been on the news. I quickly skimmed through my phone again, reloading the page countless times until it displayed the updated version.

'Amy Mitabe, a 43-year-old woman, was found involved in a car accident while being assumed to be on the way to the international airport.'

I immediately clicked on the heading, nervously waiting for the page to load, and when it did, I quickly went through it.

From what I've read, they still don't know the extent of her injuries, but they suspect that it isn't severe, thanks to the fact that she was able to turn the wheel quickly enough to avoid any fatal injuries.

I looked through the page a bit more and I finally found the most important piece of information I was looking for: she was brought to Raffles Hospital. That hospital was not too far from here, good.

"Mandy, are you still here?"

Mandy: I-I'm sorry, I-I just don't k-know what to d-do.

"Okay, listen to me. Your mom has been brought to Raffles Hospital, I'm not sure whether they have contacted your dad yet, but please head there as soon as possible. Kaori and I will be there shortly."

Mandy: O-o-okay, w-we are already on our way there...

"Alright, good girl. We will be there in around 10."

I hung up the phone and turned my attention to Kaori now. She was still sobbing while sitting next to me. I got up, knelt in front of her and took her hands in mine.

"Hey, princess, I found out where your mom was sent to. She hasn't sustained any severe injuries from what I've read on the news. She's going to be alright, baby girl," I cupped her face once again, wiping off her tears with my thumb.

She surprised me by throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me, saying, "T-t-thank y-you,"

I smiled, standing up and taking her hand, "Let's go, your dad and Mandy are already on their way to the hospital,"

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