Chapter 18 - Revelation

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Kaori's P.O.V

~Next morning~

I woke up to the alarm that was ringing from my phone, aimlessly flailing my hand on the night table. When I couldn't find my phone, I sat up and reluctantly opened my eyes, finding that it was on the floor.

How the hell did it fall down?

I picked it up and turned the alarm off, 6.30AM. I looked to my side to find a smiling Kisaki staring at me, something I've dreamed of in the past, waking up beside the one person I loved. I sneaked back under the bed cover and hugged her.

"Good morning!" I happily greeted, pressing my face into her chest.

"Morning, sweetie." Her voice, a sexy kind of deep, greeted me back.

If I could, I would have stayed in bed with her all day long, but I knew that today was our last day in Monaco, so I hopped out of bed after cuddling for a few more minutes.

I headed to the bathroom and just like last time, although I freaked out last time, this time I sighed, realising that I didn't have any spare clothes here. I contemplated on calling Stella since she knew that I was spending the last night with Kisaki, but that thought quickly left me when I heard a laugh coming from the bed. I went outside and saw her, sitting on the bed, a wide smile across her face.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of you laughing this early in the morning?" I sarcastically asked, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry, it's just that by now, you should have realised that you don't have any spare clothes, and it just reminded me of a very familiar incident that happened before." She laughed as she wiped a small tear from her eyes.

"Thanks, Minami-sensei, for showing that you obviously care about your student." I crossed my arms, frustrated.

She quickly composed herself, stood up, and went to the wardrobe that had her clothes neatly hanged and started skimming through them.

"Here you go," she threw some random clothes at me, adding, "wear those. They would probably be a bit bigger than what you usually wear, but it's better than nothing."

My heart skipped a beat at the thought that I would be wearing her clothes for the first time ever.

"Thank you..." I said shyly before going back to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, dried myself and took a glance at the clothes that Kisaki lent me before wearing them. It was a simple white t-shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans. When I had my head through the shirt, I could smell her perfume and feel the softness of the fabric on my skin.

I wonder where she bought this?

I quickly finished getting dressed, tied my hair into a ponytail and went out of the bathroom.

"Kisaki, you can use the bathroom." I said, finding her sitting on the bed with her phone.

She looked at me briefly, then saying, "You look really cute in my clothes, I should lend you some more of them."

"U-uhm... t-thanks... y-you should go and get ready or we will be late." I nervously said, walking towards the chair that was next to the window and sat.

"Shy Kaori is back!" She teased.

"J-just go!" I quickly said.

"Yes ma'am." She winked, making me blush.

~30 minutes later~

We safely made it to the dining area without anyone seeing me going out of Kisaki's room. When we were inside, we parted ways. She went to chat with other teachers while I tried to search for Stella.

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