chapter 32

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Zay's POV

The Training Quarters are full of werewolves, just as always. And unlike the feeling that I get when I'm surrounded by humans, I feel content. I get whiffs of familiar scents and new ones, until I smell one that I've known for a while.

I follow it to the fighting ring, where werewolves test their skills on each other. In the ring is none other than my best friend, Matthew. He's about to fight Eric, a rather easy target for just about anyone.

There's one minute before the round begins. I decide to let my presence be known. "C'mon, Matt! Whoop his ass!"

He tilts his head and sniffs the air, looking left and right. Then he finally looks straight at me, a slow grin stretching across his face. "Ah fuck, this can't be real!" he shouts.

He jumps out of the ring and charges at me. He gives me a bear hug and laughs. "Zay, I can't believe this day actually came." He wipes an invisible tear from his eye. "Am I the first one to know you're back?"

"I'm not back for good, not yet. But yeah, I just got here and saw you."

"Dude, I gotta call the others," he says deviously. He starts howling ridiculously loud. I widen my eyes and punch him.

"Bro, shut up. People are staring."

He ignores me and continues fake howling. I do the smart thing and walk away. It works, because he stops howling. But he starts following me.

"Sorry, I had to do something to draw attention. People gotta know when you arrive, it's a necessity."

"No, they don't. Where's Levi and Cameron? Please tell me they've stayed out of trouble while I've been away."

"I don't know, and definitely not. Cameron hasn't followed a single rule and Levi, well you know him. Ladies man to the fullest."

"Oh God," I think out loud.

"Levi still seems to think he doesn't need training so he skips it a lot. He's probably hanging out with other skippers at the cafe."

"Lets go check."

I take in Matt's appearance. His dark hair is matted to his forehead from a day of hard training. His shirt had probably been taken off earlier, and his chest has a sheen of sweat on it. "You wanna wash first?" I ask.

"Nah I'm fine. Little bit of sweat don't hurt."

We walk to the campus cafe, which was basically a restaurant. It was bigger than human cafe's. Much bigger than the one Amber took me to.

I try to wipe away thoughts of her before I start missing her too much. It hurts too much and she's too far away.

"Hey, I found him!" Matt announces.

Levi is leaning against the cafe brick wall. We walk towards him, but don't have to wait long before he notices us. He picks up our scent and looks around like Matt did before spotting me. He ditches his not so real friends and walks the rest of the way to us.

"Well, well. Look who finally decided to bring his ass back here."

"I'm feelin the love. Speaking of love, how many girls hearts have you broken since I left?"

He smirks. "I'll have you know I've been going solo for a while. Just kiss em and leave em. The ladies dig a single man."

"That's not any better but good effort." I pat him on the back. "Have you seen Cameron lately? I wanna say hey."

Levi shrugs. But Matt smiles. "Maybe he's at our cabin hiding from the authorities. He's done that more than once."

We walk the familiar path to our cabin. When I stayed here, I roomed with them. Me, Matt, Levi, and Cameron got the bunks. Adam got the couch.

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