chapter 52

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After school I meet up with Dasia like planned. She greets me at the school entrance.

"Hey Amber! How was school?"

"It was fine, as good as school can be." She nods and we begin our walk. She happily munches on what looks like trail mix.

"Hey Dasia?"

"What's up?"

"Zay told me you were one of the few werewolves to go to a real high school. Did you enjoy going to yours?" I question.

"Yes, I did actually. It was interesting to befriend a species that has a fourth of the temper I'm used to."

"Why did you leave? If you don't mind me asking," I ask, trying not to pry into her life too much.

"You could say I got promoted. My grandpa wasn't gonna do with me going to school when I could be training for combat. So now I go on secret undercover missions that are super classified."

"Wow really?"

"No," she says, laughing. "But I do stuff like this, watching out for people and places to protect."

"Well, that's just as special. You got paired with me," I laugh. We get closer to his house, and since we still have a few minutes to go I take a leap of faith. "So what is it that you guys can do?" I ask her.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, your superpowers I guess," I say, feeling kinda silly.

"Zay hasn't told you anything about himself?"

I shake my head. "Yes and no. He gets kind of defensive sometimes when I bring it up. Trying it out on you."

"You picked the right werewolf then, I love to talk!" she says finishing up her trail mix. "Let's see, we're fast and strong and we can turn into wolves. That's the superpower part of it I guess. And once upon a time everyone could mind link with each other. Only a few of us can now."

"Can you?"

She frowns. "No. I can receive thoughts but can't portray them out."

"Oh, sorry."

"Hey, you didn't do it. Besides, I still got the other perks. Our smelling and hearing is great too. And, if we try really hard, we can levitate off the ground."

"Whoa, really?"

She laughs. "Nah just playing.  Worth the look on your face though."

I crack a smile. "Funny, funny. What about your drive to kill, does it being a wolf have something to do with that?"

She raises her eyebrows. "Oh, drastic change of topic. Why, think we're gonna kill you?"

"No, no. But Zay always talks about being afraid he's going to hurt me. What's the control factor with that?"

"Hmm. I guess it just has to do with how much control each individual has, with themselves and their wolf. The more anger and negativity you have in you, the more that drive to destroy increases. I don't think you've given Zay a good reason to hate you so you'll be fine."

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