Messages VI

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Ignore: are you ready yet
Ignore: we have to leave in an hour



Ignore: this bitch
Ignore: are you still asleep???
Ignore: i stg dont make me come into your dorm



Ignore: ...
Ignore: so you're just gonna ditch me last minute
Ignore: great friend



Ignore: well since you're still not here im leaving

You: wAIT
You: im coming
You: can you just wait for a while

Ignore: ofc bby girl
Ignore: but where have you been

You: i overslept sorry ^^
You: 5 mins im on my way rn

Ignore: I'll be waiting outside the entrance

You: kk



You: once again jungkook tysm for taking in taeyong

Jungkook: remember your promise

You: ofc :')

Jungkook: are you sure you're okay tho
Jungkook: you were crying in pain yesterday

You: im fine dw about me
You: tho why did you have those pills at your dorm
You: aren't you supposed to be prescribed to take them

Jungkook: yeah i was
Jungkook: thought it would help relieve your pain :)

You: they weren't painkillers jungkook
You: they were really strong

Jungkook: i put some in your bag just in case the same thing happens again

You: thank you

Jungkook: remind me where you're off to again?

You: jeju island
You: i have a wedding to attend to

Jungkook: oh really have fun

You: im gonna miss you ;-;

Jungkook: me too princess

You: I'll get you some gifts
You: okay im off ttyl ♡

Jungkook: have a safe trip ♡


[Jungkook and taeyong's chat]


Taeyong: oi fucktard

Jungkook: what dickface

Taeyong: dont you think somethings weird happening

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