Chapter 2

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3 years later

After training with Ammon and my brother for so long I was now a team with my brother. I was not as scared as I once was but I still am. Maybe just a little.

I used knives mostly but my brother and me use the same stuff. I love working with him even though he is sometimes crazy. Is crazy normal? I didn't really care.

Today Me and Juuzou were going out to find my first ghoul. I was a little scared but I wanted to be fearless like my big brother. He had his scythe while I had my knifes. We were both good with both. "I'll protect you Juri. Just stay behind me and I'll show you how it's done." Juuzou said. I smiled weakly as I was still sacred. Then all of a sudden a black shadow passed us. Quick and quiet. Juuzou started running. I ran behind him but he was to fast. Before I knew it. I was alone in a dark street. What was I supposed to do? I kept my guard up. I wouldn't let it down.

All of a sudden strong arms picked me up and I was flying in the air with a mysterious man.

Once we got to a lamp it was a ghoul! I felt frozen. I couldn't move. What was I supposed to do?! I jumped out of his arms and started throwing my knifes rapidly and efficiently. I only got his cheek. He was really good at moving around and blocking. He was also fast.

As I threw one more he was gone. I was breathing heavily as I was wondering why he didn't kill me right away. Was it because he knew I was new? Or he knew I was weak? What was it that stopped him? As I thought about this a hand gripped my arm. I looked up to see him again.

"My name is Uta." He said calmly. His eyes were red and around was black. It was totally a ghoul. "What about you?" He smelled me. His grip was tight and I couldn't move. I tried using my other arm but he grabbed that as well.

"My n-name is J-Juri." I stuttered.

"Nice meeting you J-Juri." He looked a little Emo. Emotionless. One side of his hair was cut to 1 cm hair and the other side had hair that almost went to his shoulders. Something was different about him. I just didn't know what.

Hope you like!

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