Chapter 6

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"Whhaaaa'?!" I say.

"What?" He asked.

"Your joking right?" I asked.

"Of course not. If you would let me I would kiss you right now. Or I might just steal it when your asleep." He smirked. "But besides that..." There was a knock at my door. "Juri?" It was my brother. Before I knew it he was gone. He was right. He was fast. "Juri?" Juuzou called again. "Can I come in or are you asleep?" He asked.

"You can come in." I call out. Right then I noticed that the window was opened. He forgot to close the window! Juuzou walks in. "Heyo. I just had a weird dream I just wanted to tell you about it." He stopped talking and looked around. "Hey, why is your window open?" He asked. "Did someone come through it?" He asked seriously. I shook my head. "Okay good. Anyway, my dream."


"Your beautiful." He said. That ghoul. His eyes. There red. He was so mysterious. "I could just kiss your lips right now." He got closer and closer to me. He came back so fast. My cheeks were hot. Was I blushing? He could totally see it then. My skin, it seems so pale.

"I-I wouldn't allow it though..." I say turning my head.

"You wouldn't? Not even if it was on the cheek?" I shook my head. Before I knew it he kissed my forehead instead. "Is that not aloud either?" He asked. I just blushed harder. He kissed me cheek. "Oh, look at me. I'm breaking the rules." He chuckled and smirked.

"Y-y-y-y-you c-can s-stop now.." I say. But he wasn't done just yet was he now? Inches away from my mouth. His eyes closed my eyes closed. But I never felt anything. Instead I woke up and was sweating. "Good. It was only a dream."


The next day I didn't go to the CCG. I didn't feel like it. Actually, I didn't feel well at all. I didn't get any sleep last night at all and I was sick. Well at least I thought so. I stayed home. I made something to eat and told Juuzou that it was okay that I was here by myself. I could handle it, even if I was sick.

I got some eggs baking and I walked to the cabinet that had the cups. I got one but I missed it a bit and it was falling off the cabinet. My reaction was to slow but it never hit the ground. It was the stupid ghoul again. He got inside my house. Even though my brother and I locked all the windows and doors!

"Hello beautiful." He says. 

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