Chapter 13

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Idk if I updated a while ago or a long time go or maybe even yesterday. I can't remember!!! So here's a chapter!! --- :3 ---


"Where are you talking me?" I ask confused. He just kept skipping around everyone, dragging me along. Is this guy delusional?

"Somewhere beautiful." He suddenly responds. Seconds later we arrived at a park with lots of flowers. It was beautiful but why did he take me here? "I am Shuu Tsukiyama," He bows. "It's such an honor to see you in real life. I also love your fragrance." He was quite a  gentleman.

"I still think you have the wrong person." I say backing up every once and a while. "I think I should also go home. I mean it's getting a little dark and a bit chilly. My brother will also be looking for me as well." I say about to run away. I have training in my body but I still get scared so easily by people. Or is this a...?

"But why so soon? We just barely got here. We haven't had any fun yet." I just barely noticed that no one was around either. My goodness is this a ghoul? Right as I thought this his eyes turned red and black and his kagune came out as well. Why didn't I notice this before? "Now lets have some fun and afterwards we can eat." he smiles evilly as I run quickly away. He got in front of me to soon so I brought out my knives. I wasn't the best but I could try and get him away until I got to a group of people, or back home were Juuzou might be.

He attacked with such force that it made me feel really weak. I already felt not good today and now I felt worse. Maybe I was seriously sick but I wasn't sure and all I could really think about was surviving right now. When adrenaline comes its amazing what your real capable of. 

I just wasn't good enough. I never was and I never will be. I was on the flowery grass, on my bottom. Tired and scared. What was I supposed to do. This ghoul surpassed my ghoul training at the CCG. "Ready to die?" He asked kindly. He wasn't tired at all. I really was weak. His kagune came at me fast and I closed my eyes. Ready for pain to strike at any moment. When nothing happened I peeked one eye open. There was Uta holding off Shuu's Kagune. I have never been so happy to see him.

Soon enough he had his Kagune out as well. I saw them fight and heard them talking as well. I wasn't quite sure what they were talking about though. I was tired and I could barely keep my eyes awake. Before I knew it I was asleep and the last thought in my mind was Uta.

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