Chapter 15

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Hahahahahahahaha!!!! FINALLY!!!!


"Thank you." Uta says. "I needed that." He smiles. I blush and look away. Did I just for real kiss this guy? This- this ghoul?! My brother was going to kill me.

"Yea..." I say quietly. That was my first kiss. My heart is beating quicker than a cheetah. I didn't know how to clam down. I feel like I just did the worst thing possible. It was only a kiss though.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I nodded. "First kiss?" He asks me. I nod again. "You did amazing." He says. I blush even harder. I must look like a pimple about to explode. Gross!!! I mean I must look like the reddest tomato ever!!!

"Thanks." I say Turning to face him. "I think you should rush away. My brother should be here soon." I say. He nods and leaves without saying anything else.

My true feelings or not. I couldn't decide. Or even know what this was. Did I actually love him? Why did I kiss him?! WHY?! I must be crazy. He must be manipulating me somehow!!

"Juri!" Shouts my brother.

"Yeah?" I call back.

"Wanna go out to eat?" He asks.

"Sure." I get up and walk to the door where we walk to a restaurant.

"Juri," I look up from the menu. "What would you do if a ghoul tried to fall in love with you?" Did he know?! Did he!!??? I shouted at myself Gulping.

"I'm not quiet sure." I reply.

"I think I would use it against them. Once they get close enough. I would ask important questions. Once the ghoul was out of information I would have no use for it and I would kill it!" He laughed maniacally.

"Yea..." I say taking a gulp of water.

"Would you do that too?" He asks.

"Not quiet sure." I say. "I do think I'll get a sandwich though." I say, putting down the menu.

"I'm going to get some meat." He replied to me.

After the restaurant we went to the building. Where Amon was. He told us that ghouls were going crazy and were attacking. We needed to be prepared for whatever came. Juuzou said that I should stay home and be safe. He didn't want any ghouls to know that he had a sister that they could attack.

My brother really did love me.

I love him to but Uta's love is way different than what I feel for Juuzou.

"I'll stay home if you think I should." I told him. He smiled.

"Good. You can still have your weapons just in case though." He says.

"Okay. If you think it's for the best I'll do it."

"Thanks Juri. Your the best sister ever!"

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