Chapter 4

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Later that day I got a note. I don't know who it was from it was just a note.
It said something like, "Hello my dear, I am your secret admirer. I was wondering if you would meet me at a certain area. If you do please place a note where you found this one and I'll get back to you."

This was a big surprise. I did reply though. I placed a not saying yes. It was actually in my locker. I left and came back the next day. I opened it to see another note saying, "Wow my dear, you are so very kind. I would like to met at Anteiku Cafe if that is okay. Today at 5:00 pm."
I actually really liked Anteiku Cafe. I wanted to go but then j remembered I was going to practice some moves with my brother. What was I going to do? Should I tell him? No because then he would want to come. What should I do?!
"Juri!" I hear my brother say. I turn around.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Want to go get some food?" He asked.
"Umm...sure." We went to a new restaurant that he wanted to go. I ate and afterwards I didn't feel so well. The food wasn't as good as I thought. "Juri are you okay?" He asked. "You look like your about to throw up."

"Yeah, I think it was the food."

"Let's take you home then." He placed the money on the table and helped me walk home. I threw up once and he tucked me into bed. "Sorry I made you sick." He looked sad.

"You didn't. It was that food." I don't think it did much good because he was still sad. He started out the door and said, "I'll still be at the building. Call or text me if you need anything." I nod and smile. He left and closed the door behind him.

Not even a minute after he shut the door, my window was opened and a man was In Front of me. "Hello my dear, did you love the two letters I sent?" I look at him and notice that it was the ghoul the night before.

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