Chapter Three: Separated

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Chapter 3: Separated

"The mist is the only thing strong enough to save the cats! The Chosen One must save the cat world, or else evil will take over!" The starry cat shouted. Misty was back in the forest war. She was already cut though, somehow, and was bleeding badly. She felt dizzy and her vision was blurring. But the cat kept shouting "The mist must save the cats! The mist must save the cats!"


"Misty! Wake up!" Snowflake was yelling into Misty's ear. She was shaking Misty and hitting her with her tail. "Wake up!"

"I'm up, I'm up." Misty got up, still feeling dizzy.

"You were sleeping late. I wanted to see if you were okay, considering you never sleep late." Snowflake said.

"I'm okay. Just a bit tired from yesterday." Misty looked around. Her room was small, so that was probably why she and Snowflake were so cramped.

"Me too. Well, Mom says we're going deep into the forest for the bigger prey...I don't want to, but I have to." Snowflake sighed.

"Sounds fun. You'll be fine, don't worry." Misty reassured her.

If only Misty was right.

The family went deep into the forest. Snowflake was terrified. Shadow was walking proudly in the front like the boss. Misty was behind him. Night was padding along next to Winter, Snowflake on the other side of her. Soon, Winter told them to stop.

"Someone's here..." she whispered. "We need to go."

But it was too late.

A dog jumped onto Winter, knocking her, Night, and Snowflake over. Snowflake, shocked, ran away screaming. One of the six dogs followed her. Winter shouted, "Get up the trees, kits!" A large dog ran at Misty, who was frozen in terror, but Winter jumped on it and knocked it out of the way. Shadow didn't want to go hide in a tree. He bared his teeth at the dogs and clawed one. He yelled at it, "Slobbery mutt, you are!" This aggrevated the dog more, and it knocked him away with one swipe of his big paw.

Winter was thrown into a rock by one dog, her side bleeding badly. She was dying and too weak to fend off the dog. With one bite to the neck, the dog killed Winter. Misty was shocked, tears running down her fur. Then a dog lunged at her and she just barely got out of the way. Quickly, she ran up a tree and watched Shadow try fighting the dogs. One dog came up behind him.

"Shadow! Look out!!!" she called to him, but it was too late. The dog smacked him and he flew into a thorn bush. Blood spilled out, and Misty knew he was dead. "No..." she whispered. The dogs were jumping at the tree. After awhile, they gave up and left. Misty was crying. Her family was dead...

"I..." Misty said between tears. "I will get those dogs one day...I will. I will make sure they never touch another soul I love again."

She looked up at the stars, and yelled "I will get them! I swear I will!"

A shooting star flew across the sky, and Misty felt in her heart that Starclan had heard, and had accepted.

Suddenly, Misty remembered Night and Snowflake. Are they still alive? Misty wondered. She hoped the were.

Misty fell asleep after staring at the sky for a bit, and as she did the moon glowed on her. Nothing else, just her. Starclan knew something Misty needed to find out, but it was so hard to explain to her.


Misty was laying on the ground, side bleeding badly. She could barely keep her eyes open as the war raged on. And the voice echoed over and over.

"The mist must save the cat world from the shadow and its night! The mist must fight with flakes of snow, roses, and thunder! Fight!"

"Who are you?" Misty shouted over the screams of cats.

But the starry cat didn't answer. It instead backed up and disappeared. But before it left, it called out, "The mist must beat the shadow! It must!"


                                                                                TO BE CONTINUED

I thought of a name for my follower (not followers, since I only have one): SPACE UNICORN. Thats what I'll call my followers if I get any more :D Yeah, it's a weird name. SO IT'S PERFECT! YEAH :3




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