Chapter Five: Apprentice

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Chapter 5: Apprentice

Mistykit had been living in Birchclan for almost 2 moons now, and she loved it. Rosekit and Thunderkit played moss ball with her, and the were endlessly asking her about being a rouge. Mistykit loved telling them stories about her old life, but at the same time it saddened her to think of it. She wondered what it would be like if those dogs didn't kill her family. Would she still be in Birchclan? Mistykit wished she could know.

Unfortunately, Mistykit kept having the same nightmare every night, the same starry cat telling her the same thing. But she was bleeding more every time. Mistykit wondered when she'd pass out or die in the dream from all that blood loss. And the cat never answered her questions. Mistykit couldn't figure out what made her have the dreams. Was it the angle that she slept on, or maybe the moss she laid on? Mistykit couldn't figure it out.

"Mistykit! Mistykit!" Rosekit was shaking Mistykit to wake up. Mistykit was sweating again.

Mistykit slowly opened her eyes. "What?" she groaned.

"You're covered in sweat! Are you okay?" Thunderkit asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I...I just get hot." Mistykit said, stretching.

"You've been like this every night for awhile, and sometimes you talk in your sleep. It's kind of annoying." Rosekit said. Wow, Rosekit wasn't afraid to share her thoughts.

"Sorry. I'll try not to." Mistykit sighed.

Thunderkit popped in. "Hey, guys, aren't we 6 moons old now?"

"Yeah, why?" Mistykit asked, turning to him.

"We're old enough to be apprentices!" Thunderkit shouted. He jumped up, and banged his head on the low ceiling of the nursery. "Ow..."

Rosekit laughed. "Maybe Mistykit and I are old enough, but not you."

Thunderkit jumped on her, and the two started rolling around on the floor of the small den. Mistykit watched and laughed. "Hey, don't leave me out!" she shouted, and belly flopped onto them.

As the three were rolling around, Rivetfur came in. "Kits, I heard shouting- What the?! You're going to mess up your fur before the ceremony! Come here, all of you. I need to fix your fur now."

The kits looked up, and quickly got out of the pile. Rivetfur licked their fur, which took a long time because she wanted it to be "perfect." Rosekit sat still and told her mother exactly where to fix her fur. She wanted to look her best. Thunderkit moaned the whole time, saying his fur looked fine. "Fine" in his perspective meant sticking up and covered in dirt. Mistykit was giggling when she was being cleaned. She was very ticklish, and the cleaning was tickling her.

After they were done, Rivetfur sat down. "I'm going to tell Mossystar that you're all ready. Okay?"

The kits nodded eagerly. "Yep!"

Rivetfur left, leaving the clean kits in the den.

"I can't wait! I-agh- can't wait!" Rosekit said. "Agh-agh-aggghh!" She spit out a hairball. "Yuck."

"Ew!" Mistykit and Thunderkit said, backing up.

"I'm nervous, okay?" Rosekit said, trying to sound innocent as she nudged her hairball into a hole and buried it.

"All cats old enough to climb a birch tree, gather beneath the Highbranch!" The familiar call came. It was time.

The three kits walked out of their den and went next to the tree. They waited to go up.

"Today, we have three new apprentices. Mistykit, Rosekit, and Thunderkit, please come up here." Mossystar said.

Mistykit was the first up the tree. Once again, the leader and deputy were shocked. Rosekit and Thunderkit took longer, because they were fighting with each other trying to get up next.

Once all the kits were up, Mossystar began. "Rosekit, come here." she said, and the red kit came forwards. Rosekit was trying not to cough up another hairball.

"Rosekit, do you promise to train to become a warrior and protect the Clan?"

"I do." Rosekit said, sitting up.

"Do you promise to put the Clan before yourself in any and all situations involving the Clan's survival?" Mossystar asked.

"I do." Rosekit answered.

"Good. From this day until you become a warrior, you shall be known as Rosepaw. Your mentor will be..." Mossystar said, but Rosekit interrupted.

"Can I choose my mentor?"

Mossystar was surprised, but didn't show it. "Is there one you want in particular?"

Rosekit nodded. "Poppyfur. She was my mother's best friend, and I really like her."

Mossystar smiled. "Very well. Rosepaw, your new mentor shall be Poppyfur!"

"Rosepaw! Rosepaw!" The Clan shouted. Poppyfur was smiling so big, it was surprising the smile didn't come off her face.

"Thunderkit, you're next. Come here." Mossystar said. Thunderkit obeyed.

"Do you promise to train to become a warrior and protect the Clan" Mossystar asked again.

Thunderkit nodded. "I do."

"Do you promise to put the Clan before yourself in any and all situations involving the Clan's survival?"

"I do." Thunderkit stayed standing, tall and proud.

"Good. From this day until you are a warrior, you shall be known as Thunderpaw! Your mentor shall be Rivertail!" Mossystar called out so the Clan and anything outside the Clan could hear.

"Thunderpaw! Thunderpaw!"

Thunderpaw and Rosepaw licked each other's ears and Mistykit's and climbed down the tree. They watched Mistykit get her apprentice name.

"Mistykit...You've went from rouge to Clan cat, and now you're becoming an apprentice. I'm amazed." Mossystar said.

Mistykit smiled, and stood proudly.

"Mistykit, do you promise to train to become a warrior and protect the Clan?" Mossystar asked.

"I do." Mistykit said.

"Do you promise to put the Clan before yourself in any and all situations involving the Clan's survival?"

"I do." The sun was shining on Mistykit's pelt, not hitting anything else. She looked like a star. The Clan cats were amzed, but no one spoke.

"From this day on, you shall be known as Mistypaw! And your mentor..." Mossystar paused to look at the Clan. The cats without kits or the ones who weren't already training apprentices had already had apprentices. "Although a few cats are ready to take on their second apprentice, I will be Mistypaw's mentor."

The Clan cats were silent for a moment, then erupted in cheering. "Mistypaw! Mistypaw!"

Mistypaw hopped down off the tree and went to her siblings. Mossystar and Ferncloud got off too. "You're really going to train an apprentice? And a former rouge apprentice, at that?" Ferncloud asked.

"Yes. She seems worthy. There's something- something special about that cat. Did you see the sunlight on her?" Mossystar said.

"Yeah, and I know I can't argue with you. Good luck training her. And on our next group of apprentices, can I have one?" Ferncloud smiled.

"Of course." The two cats laughed.

Mistypaw felt happy, becoming an apprentice and having the leader as her mentor. Could things get better?

                                                                    TO BE CONTINUED




Rogue to Clan (Book One)- A Warrior Cat Fanfiction [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now