Chapter Nine: The Gathering

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Rosepaw was well prepared for the short trip to the Gathering spot. She had a moss ball, a vole, and she'd snuck some poppy seeds and marigold from Leafpelt. Not that she'd need anything, but if you knew Rosepaw: She was always ready.

Thunderpaw and Mistypaw had eaten some fish before leaving, but didn't bring anything. They were excited to meet the apprentices from other Clans, and were pestering Ravenpaw and Fangpaw for information.

"I won't say a word." Ravenpaw would respond with a smirk.

"Come on!" Mistypaw would mew. She'd nudge him, nip at his ankles, anything. Thunderpaw wasn't comfortable with the way she was playing with Ravenpaw. He knew Mistypaw and Ravenpaw were bitter rivals, but he could imagine them standing with a bunch of kits. He shook away the thought. Mistypaw would never fall for Ravenpaw, right?

The cats said their goodbyes and left the Clan. The apprentices raced thorugh the trees. Mistypaw would dart on the branches with Icepaw, Rosepaw, and Ashpaw while Thunderpaw, Reefpaw, and Rainpaw ran underneath them. Mistypaw was far ahead, and she reached the log first. She wanted to surprise the cats, so she crawled into the log and waited.


What was that? Mistypaw moved slightly.


Oh, no. Mistypaw started crawling out, but it was too late. The log shifted and fell into the river, the current dragging it away.

"Help!" Mistypaw yowled. Thunderpaw burst through the trees and saw her. "Mistypaw!" he cried. The other cats came through. Thunderpaw, flinching before doing this, jumped into the water and swam after her. The other apprentices and Mossystar, chasing them, followed.

Mistypaw kept crawling, but didn't know how to swim well. She got to the edge and dipped her paws in the water, wincing. Jump, she told herself. And with a prayer to Starclan, Mistypaw dove into the water. Her paws flailed around her and she gulped down water. She tried paddling to Thunderpaw, but was turned away and dragged. Just before losing her, Thunderpaw locked his tail with Mistypaw's and was joined by the other apprentices. Mossystar grabbed each by the scruff and tossed them to the other side. But instead of tossing Thunderpaw and Mistypaw, Mossystar carried them out.

"That was very brave, Thunderpaw," Mossystar said after shaking out her fur. Thunderpaw bowed his head. "Mistypaw," Mossystar turned to the soaked gray cat who was crouching in shame, "You could have been killed! Why were you in the log?"

"I-I wa-wanted to s-scare the other a-a-ppren-ntices..." Mistypaw mewed, shivering. Thunderpaw started licking her.

"That was very dangerous. But I understand you wanted to have fun. And honestly, that was amazing. Cats don't swim much, so it was new. We finally had a change; this never happened on the way to the Gatherings," Mossystar chuckled. "There is another log, so we can still go."

The cats crossed the other log and kept going. Thunderpaw wouldn't leave Mistypaw's side. She seemed like she would fall over, and her trembling sent vibrations up Thunderpaw's leg but he wouldn't leave her.

"You're okay, it's okay..." he mewed, trying to soothe her.

"Thank y-you," Mistypaw whispered, licking his ear. "You're the best clan-brother I've ever had the joy of getting stuck with." She had stopped shivering and was starting to regain her balance. Her pelt was still ruffled, though.

Rosepaw padded over. "Hey, what do you think our warrior names will be?" she asked.

"Well, it'll be ironic if you're named Roseblossom or Rosepetal. Or if Mistypaw was named Mistyfur or Mistypelt," Thunderpaw responded.

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