Chapter Six: Hunting Lessons

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Chapter 6: Hunting Lessons

"Mistypaw, it's time for your first lesson. Thunderpaw, Rosepaw, your mentors are waiting. We're going to teach all three of you for a bit. Ready?" Mossystar asked.

The apprentices had just woken up from their first night in the apprentice den. Mistypaw was up and ready, sprinting around in circles excitedly in the den.

"Mistypaw, save your energy for when we're hunting." Mossystar laughed, stopping Mistypaw with her tail. Mistypaw slid into the wall of the den. 

Thunderpaw jumped to his feet. "Mistypaw, are you okay?"

The other new apprentices, Ravenpaw and Fangpaw, walked into the den. "Clutz much?" Ravenpaw asked. The two laughed.

Mistypaw regained her footing and glared at Ravenpaw. "I'll bet I'm much faster than you'll ever be, kitty."

"Kitty? At least I'm not half rouge, hm?" Ravenpaw growled.

Mistypaw unsheathed her claws. They were still short, but sharp.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Ravenpaw said sarcastically. "Spare me, mighty Mistypaw." He laughed. "You couldn't hurt a fly."

Mistypaw wanted to lunge at him and show him what he was messing with, but Mossystar was watching her carefully. So she sheathed her claws and growled, "Ravenpaw, you don't have any effect on me. You're just a mouse-brained rat dropping." And with that, Mistypaw strutted out. Thunderpaw and Rosepaw followed, hissing at Ravenpaw on the way out.

The cats were outside the heart of their Clan, in a forest of birch trees. Poppyfur and Rosepaw were doing training exercises like climbing the trees. Thunderpaw and Rivertail were practicing crouches. Mossystar was having Mistypaw do sprints from tree to tree.

"Climb the tree, then jump to the other one!" Mossystar called out. Mistypaw dashed up the tree, and you could see a gray blur hop to another tree. Mistypaw hopped a few more before jumping down and landing on her paws perfectly. She was breathing a bit quickly, but looked ready to run more.

"Did I do well?" she asked.

"You did great. But I could hear you too much. If you did this during an attack, the cat you were aiming for would have killed you by now. You run fast enough, but you need to be quieter and watch your footing." Mossystar said.

Mistypaw nodded. "What are we doing next?"

By now the six cats had gathered together.

"We're going to teach you to hunt." Poppyfur said. The apprentices jumped with joy.

"Mistypaw, you have some hunting experience, right? Show your siblings." Mossystar said. Although Mistypaw knew that Thunderpaw and Rosepaw weren't her real brother and sister, she had grown used to calling them siblings.

Mistypaw sniffed, looking for the scent of a small prey. The scent of a mouse drafted through her nostrils, and she followed the scent quietly. She saw the mouse cleaning itself, and unsheathed her claws. Quickly, she pounced. Sinking her claws into the mouse's neck, Mistypaw closed her eyes and turned her paws slightly. The mouse's neck snapped, and it died.

Mistypaw carried the mouse to her mentor and dropped it on the ground. "Ta-da." she mewed.

Thunderpaw and Rosepaw were jumping up and down, eager to try. "That was awesome!" Thunderpaw cried. Mistypaw blushed under her gray fur and looked at her paws. 

"Can I try next?" Rosepaw asked Poppyfur. After exchanging glances with Mossystar, Poppyfur nodded. Rosepaw let out a whoop before getting ready. A large crow was positioned on an old Twoleg fence. Rosepaw growled with delight. She prowled closer, belly brushing across the ground. When she was in pouncing range, she unsheathed her claws and got ready. Rosepaw quickly got out of her stalking stance and jumped, shooting like an arrow at the crow. Her claws dug into the bird, who was frantically trying to escape. Trying to act like Mistypaw, Rosepaw dug into the crow's neck and twisted her paws. The neck did not snap, but it hurt Rosepaw's paws. "Yow!" she cried, letting go of the crow. The harmed bird flew away quickly.

Poppyfur ran to her apprentice and licked her paws. "Are you alright?" she asked. Rosepaw nodded, upset that she lost her kill.

Mistypaw walked over. "That was a great first try. Some cats don't even touch the prey! You just need practice with the neck snapping. It's tricky. But I can help you out if you'd like."

Rosepaw sniffled, then nodded. "Okay." She got up, and the group watched Thunderpaw's hunting attempt. He was going for a squirrel climbing up a tree, and he pounced. Instead of hitting the squirrel, he hit the tree, "Ow..." he mumbled, staggering.

All of them were laughing. Even Mossystar, being the leader, couldn't help it. Thunderpaw acted tough and laughed it off with them. For the rest of the day, the group practiced hunting. By the end, Thunderpaw and Rosepaw were amazing hunters, almost as good as Mistypaw. But Mistypaw had been getting better as well. She caught prey quickly and easily, her pile getting bigger and bigger. It took forever to haul all the orey back to camp. The cats were shocked at all the food that only the three apprentices caught. There was enough food for the rest of the moon!

                                                             TO BE CONTINUED

I finally managed to make the next chapter. My computer broke, and after a long time trying to fix it I gave up. I took my moms laptop and worked on this for hours. Hope you enjoy :3




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