Chapter Thirteen: Emergency Gathering

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"May all cats old enough to climb a birch tree gather under the Highbranch!" the familiar call sounded. What was going on now?

Mistyleaf sat in the middle of Snowflake and Thunderclaw. Roseheart sat on Thunderclaw's other side with Rainstorm. Mistyleaf had noticed Roseheart and Rainstorm spending a lot of time together. Were they crushing on each other? Mistyleaf smiled.

After all the cats gathered, Mossystar spoke. "We have an emergency. PineClan was invaded yesterday. Many cats were hurt. Lightstar has only 5 lives now. (Btw, Mossystar has two lives left. Dunno how. I'll explain it when I figure it out.) We have been called to an emergency Gathering. I will take Sunleaf, Rivertail, Poppyfur, Mistyleaf, Roseheart, Thunderclaw, Ravenclaw, Fangheart, and Rainstorm. All other cats must stay and protect the Clan. Until I come back, no cat shall be allowed in or out of the Clan heart. No cats are out hunting. Stay in camp."

The cats going to the Gathering filed out. Mistyleaf was the last one, her eyes bleary and terrified. PineClan was the first to go. Death had made its mark.

At the Gathering, the cats got onto the trees. All of the leaders looked nervous. Lightstar spoke. "PineClan almost lost many cats. We can not and will not let this happen again. I suggest putting up extra guard by the Clans."
"BirchClan has done that. No cat is allowed in or out until this is settled. The only times we are allowed out is if it is completely safe to hunt. Are any other Clans doing that?" Mossystar asked.

"OakClan does not completely believe cats will invade, but we will put up extra guard." Brownstar growled.

"Well, if it is dangerous enough, MapleClan will also put extra guards up." Kestrelstar mewed.

While talking more about guard, the newest Clan warriors gathered.

"Hailstorm! What happened?" Roseheart asked when Hailstorm came over.

"I got clawed in the face during the fight. I had to beg to come here." Hailstorm mewed.

Frostlight nodded. "I was thrown, but I wasn't seriously hurt besides my paw. One of the cats bit it."

"I'm sorry that it happened to you guys..." Mistyleaf said.

"We got to be part of a real fight, experience the terror of losing loved ones, and feel the excitement when bringing down an opponent. You could say we're happy and unhappy." Hailstorm purred.

"Well, they won't get far into our Clan." Tornheart said, nudging his head into the conversation.

"Yeah, Tornheart is right." Scarpelt mewed.

"The cats were death..." Mistyleaf growled.

"Hm?" Petalheart asked.

"I-I heard some sort the Clan that death was...coming. I, um...don't know what they really meant, but I think I figured it out. The cats that invaded stood for death. Maybe...maybe it's a new Clan forming. clan...DeathClan!" Mistyleaf said, the puzzle pieces finally together.

"DeathClan? If it's a Clan, then we're done for alone. We need to fight together." Thunderclaw growled.

"Yeah!" Roseheart added. Rainstorm nodded. Ravenclaw and Fangheart even managed slight looks of agreement.

"We should tell the Clans now!" Fangheart blurted.

The group of warriors ran to the trees, and let Mistyleaf go in front of them. "Attention!" Mistyleaf called.

The cats turned to her as she kept speaking. "The other new warriors and I have figured out what has happened. A new Clan has formed. DeathClan. I've heard rumors that death is coming, and now I know what it meant. We have to form bigger alliances than ever. We must unite and stand as one!"

For a bit, there was silence. Mistyleaf's ears flattened, thinking she failed. Then Mossystar's eyes met with hers, and Mistyleaf saw a spark of "you figured it out" in her leader's eyes. The next thing she knew, all of the Clans were cheering. 

"Yes!" "Unite and stand together!" "We are one!" and many other shouts filled the air. Mistyleaf stood proudly. She looked at Thunderclaw. They walked up to each other and licked ears. "You did it." Thunderclaw whispered.

"No." Mistyleaf whispered back. "We both did it."

And that was the Gathering where the Clans united, not as enemies but as friends protecting each other. The battle was coming, and they were ready.





Rogue to Clan (Book One)- A Warrior Cat Fanfiction [EDITING]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu