Chapter Fourteen: Hostage

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Mistyleaf went back to the camp feeling proud. She knew that the Clans could defeat DeathClan and win the battle. They would survive!

A scream rang in her ears as she crossed into her Clan territory. The next thing she knew she and the other cats were running into BirchClan.

"My kits are gone!" Glimmercloud screeched as they came in. There was blood everywhere and scents of unknown cats. "I saw a black tail tip as I was walking into the nursery, and they were gone!"

Mistyleaf sniffed the ground. DeathClan. "We need to protect the camp," she ordered. Then her ears flattened. She was no deputy, and nothing close to a leader. What was she doing?

Surprisingly, the cats did as told. The mentors got their apprentices ready, and Sunleaf started getting patrols ready. Mistyleaf smiled, happy to be treated like an elder warrior by "actual" elder warriors. She walked out of camp and was joined by Thunderclaw."Hey," he mewed.

"Hey," Mistyleaf replied. The two didn't look at each other. Mistyleaf felt some tension between them.

"Look, how did you know that there was going to be a war with this so called DeathClan? I know that your little story that it was a rumor was fake," Thunderclaw said after a few minutes in silence.

Mistyleaf sighed. Time to tell him. Now or never. "I had a dream from StarClan..." she whispered. "They said that the mist would save the Clans with thunder, rose petals, and snowflakes."

Thunderpaw's ears stuck up and his eyes brightened. "The mist...thunder, rose petals, and makes sense! You, me, Roseheart, and Snowflake have to save the Clans!"

Mistyleaf jerked her head toward him. "That might just be it..." She was going to say more but a piercing yowl interrupted. The yowl was very familiar. "Mossystar!"

Thunderclaw and Mistyleaf sped toward the sound of Mossystar's yowl. They found her scent trail combined with a bunch of claw marks. After exchanging quick glances, Thunderclaw and Mistyleaf followed the trail at top speed.

The trail stopped at the river, but the scent continued. This time there was a mix of unusual scents, like the ones found from the crisis at camp. It went into the creepy looking forest. That must be where DeathClan resides! Mistyleaf thought. Before Thunderclaw could notice, Mistyleaf shot across the river and through the forest.

Mistyleaf darted in and out between trees until she got to a spot where a bunch of different scents filled her nose. The camp was close. Suddenly, a sharp blow from behind knocked Mistyleaf over, and she blacked out.

Mistyleaf blinked. "Good morning, sunshine," a cat that she didn't recognize said. "Hope you're uncomfortable, because you aren't leaving this place. Get used to it."

Mistyleaf went to lunge at him, but was held back. What in the name of StarClan is this? she thought. Her paws were covered in some sort of sticky substance that was keeping her from moving. She growled, but refused to speak.

"Ha, you're stuck! Hey, Clawstar, check this out!" the strange cat laughed. Then a cat that Mistyleaf regognized immediately came into the rock den.

"Ah, Mistyleaf. I knew I'd actually speak to you in my true home with my true name someday," Clawstar purred.

All Mistyleaf did was growl. She wouldn't speak to this traitor.

"Dog got your tongue?" (see what I did there? Normally it's "cat got your tongue" but since they are cats it's dog got your tongue :P) Clawstar said.

Mistyleaf worked up the strength to pull one paw off the ground. She thrust her whole leg at Clawstar, hitting him in the face. He growled loudly, unsheathed his claws, and clawed her face. Mistyleaf yowled in pain.

Rogue to Clan (Book One)- A Warrior Cat Fanfiction [EDITING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat