Chapter Sixteen: Lovers Cross

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Thunderclaw had beaten Roseheart in the race. Roseheart said that she couldn't find many herbs, but Thunderclaw knew it was because she was lazy. The two had been running all day searching for herbs, which were hard to find since it was leaf-bare. But Thunderclaw found a bunch of herbs, enough to last at least a few sunrises.

The siblings were walking back to camp when they decided that before talking to Mistyleaf they'd get some fresh kill. Leaving the herbs in a hole, they went hunting.

Roseheart had caught a plump squirrel. Thunderclaw caught a crow. They took the herbs and their catches back to camp.

Roseheart looked at Thunderclaw. "I'll bring the elders our fresh kill. You go give Leafpelt the herbs and talk to Mistyleaf."

Thunderclaw nodded. Roseheart sounded so mature, much unlike when she was a playful kit who jumped and barely ever told others what to do. Now she made her own decisions and plans and seemed to be the best she could be. Thunderclaw didn't know whether or not he missed his old sister.

Thunderclaw walked to the medicine den. He set the herbs in the pile and went to Mistyleaf, who was laying her head on her paws and turned away from him.

"Hi, Mistyleaf," he purred, sitting next to her.

"I want to be alone right now," she murmured. "There's a lot of things on my mind."

"You can tell me. I'm," Thunderclaw mewed, wondering if the word brother should have been used before he told her about his feelings for her.

"It's personal," Mistyleaf replied, still not looking at him.

"Mistyleaf, what is it?" Thunderclaw persisted.

Mistyleaf turned and glared at him with cold, blue eyes that scared Thunderclaw out of his fur. "It's personal!" she growled in a loud tone.

Thunderclaw stared at her. He was going to tell her whether she liked it or not. "I love you!"

But he said it with Ravenclaw at the entrance, who was wondering why Mistyleaf was yelling. All Ravenclaw could do was stare in shock.

Mistyleaf glanced back and forth from Ravenclaw to Thunderclaw. "This was what was on my mind," she whispered before running away in tears.

Ravenclaw watched his and Thunderclaw's love run away. Then a red-hot furious rage rose up and he lunged at Thunderclaw.

Thunderclaw was just barely able to duck out of the way. "What's wrong with you?" he asked in a yell.

"I loved her!" Ravenclaw shouted back.

Thunderclaw froze. "But you teased her so much, how could you love her when you acted like you hated her?"

Ravenclaw slashed at Thunderclaw, narrowly missing his leg. "I was jealous, but I realized that I do love her! She's beautiful, strong, courageous, and I just think she's special!"

By now, most of BirchClan gathered to see what had happened. Mossystar looked angrier than anyone else. She bounded up to them with Sunleaf following. Mossystar pushed Thunderclaw away, Sunleaf doing the same with Ravenclaw.

"Why were you attacking each other?" growled Mossystar.

Ravenclaw answered first. "Listen, I kind of have a thing for Mistyleaf...but Thunderclaw tried taking her away from me!"

"Taking her away?" Thunderclaw growled. "All I did was tell her about my feelings for her! You were the one who attacked me!"

Roseheart, who was standing in the back, couldn't believe this. Thunderclaw loved Mistyleaf because of her heart. Ravenclaw seemed to love her more on the outside, but maybe liked her heart a bit as well.

Roseheart and her brother's eyes met and locked. Roseheart noticed fear and rage in his eyes. She blinked at him and ran away to find Mistyleaf. Thunderclaw would have come, but he was too busy trying to explain the incident to the Clan.

Mistyleaf had been at the river sobbing. Her tears splashed in the river, mixing with the salty water. Mistyleaf stared at her reflection in the water, and whispered, "What should I do? Which path do I take?"

And her question was answered. A white cat with tan, black, and brown spots appeared in place of Mistyleaf's reflection. He spoke softly, "Lovers may be hard to choose. You struggle with many decisions as a warrior. And you have an upcoming war to prepare for. Indeed, what should you do? What path should you choose? But before you decide, let me warn you: there are many deaths in your fate. One of which shall be someone that you were closer to than you thought."

Mistyleaf stared at the cat in disbelief. "Who are you, and...what will happen to me?"

"I am Patch. I am your guardian until you reach StarClan. And what will happen to you...I don't think you want to know," Patch mewed.

"I want to know," Mistyleaf insisted.

Patch sighed. "Very well. You will live a good life, and have a great family. But your will suffer a horrible death, one witnessed by your family. You will save a cat's life and take yours in the process. I wish you luck," he explained, then as quick as he appeared, he was gone.

"Thank you," Mistyleaf whispered. She turned around and froze at the sight in front of her. Four twolegs with guns and their savage dogs stood face to face with her.

To Be Continued

Ha, little bit of fighting over a girl :D I finally figured everything out and it's kinda sad how Mistyleaf dies but that's in the second or third book so don't worry. I wrote some of this on my kindle so it might be weird but whatever. The war is coming :P




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