Chapter Seventeen: Gunshots

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Mistyleaf couldn't move. All she could do was stare in shock as the twoleg held up the gun. And the dogs. She wanted so horribly to rip them apart and get revenge for killing her mother, make them feel how she felt that day. But she was helpless. She knew she would die then. She just knew.

Snowflake flinched. Something was wrong.

Snowflake ran to Roseheart, who was pacing in her favorite spot which was between two fallen birch trees. They gave her shade and kept her dry.

"Snowflake, what's wrong?" Roseheart asked when Snowflake came over to her.

"I--I don't know, I just feel like something is..." Snowflake explained, panting.

Then the two cats realized at the same time. "Mistyleaf!" they shouted in unison, sprinting to the river where Mistyleaf was.

Mistyleaf had three choices. Gunshots, dogs, or river. Three choices that all involved death. She growled as the twoleg grinned in an evil way. Mistyleaf trembled. Then she saw Roseheart and Snowflake run up behind them.

"Guys, get out of here!" Mistyleaf mouthed to them.

Roseheart shook her head. "Never," she mouthed back.

Thunderclaw knew something was up as well. He'd followed Snowflake and Roseheart and saw what happened. And he wouldn't let it happen.

The twoleg pulled the trigger just as Thunderclaw showed up. Thunderclaw went to leap in front of Mistyleaf, but he was pushed back. A brown cat pushed Mistyleaf down and got hit instead. The twolegs were distracted by this, giving the other three cats a perfect opportunity to strike. They attacked the twolegs and dogs. Thunderclaw wanted to know who saved Mistyleaf, but he had to get these twolegs and their filthy mutts away.

The twoleg with the gun said something to the others after Roseheart clawed him in the back and he screamed. The twolegs took their dogs and ran. Roseheart and Snowflake smiled at each other before running to the brown cat.

Mistyleaf was in tears. Thunderclaw ran over there after Roseheart and Snowflake and realized why.

The cat that got shot was Ravenclaw.

To Be Continued

OMG so sorry for the filler D: I wanted to do the "cat that got shot was Ravenclaw" thing and I couldn't think of too much (writer's block is stupid) so it ended up being this tiny filler. Sorry! But the next chapter involves a lot of sadness so I'll try making it long. Still sorry :(




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