Chapter Twelve: PineClan Attack

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Clawstar licked his paw. In front of him was a shadowy black cat around 11 or 12 moons. The cat's eyes were red and evil-looking. Both cats sitting were merciless and would never change.

"Master, I will not let you down." the younger cat growled.

"Call me Clawstar. You are worthy. You and your brother will win this battle. I know it." Clawstar purred evilly. He had decided to do a bit of Clan stuff, including having apprentices. He'd chosen one of his own. The black cat deemed worthy, and showed no mercy and never took defeat nicely-if he could be defeated, that is.

"DeathClan! We attack now! We shall win! Send a warning to the rest of the Clans. Tell them that death is coming. Do not kill all, just the important cats. That'll teach them. No more mouse-hearts!" Clawstar yowled.

"No more mouse-hearts!" DeathClan echoed. The black cat sat beside Clawstar, Bone on the other.

Bone looked at the black cat. "Clawstar has trained you well. I expect more of you than any other cat."

Clawstar shouted louder than ever. "Soon, DeathClan will own the forest! PineClan is only a start. We are all being trained by the Dark Forest, and my apprentice has exceeded the abilities he has learned. I ask of him to come up here and tell what he will do."

The black cat purred and climbed atop the rock. "I will show absolutley no mercy to any cat getting in my way. My biggest hope is to be able to see the look on my weakling sisters' faces. I wish to kill them. I wish to kill all cats in any Clan, at any cost!" he shouted. "I will kill them all, and I will come out of the shadows...I am Shadow!"


Lightstar and Reedfoot sat in the nursery, tending to the kits. Lightstar had volunteered to help, considering there were only two queens to work.

Harekit and Bearkit were running between their leader's legs playfully while Lightstar tried to grab their scruffs.

Hailstorm ran into the nursery, a streak of blood across her face. She looked terrified and out of breath. "Intruders...coming....Kinkfur's in trouble." she panted, trying hard to get the words out. "Tawnyleaf sent me to get help..."

Screams of pain rose up from the forest. Frostlight ran into the nursery and saw Hailstorm collapse unconcious.

"Hailstorm!" she mewed, running over. "I'll get Copperpelt!" She ran to get the medicine cat, while Lightstar started putting guard up.

"I've got to get Tawnyleaf and Kinkfur. Tinytail, protect the kits and Reedfoot. After Frostlight gets Copperpelt, she'll help you. Don't leave the nursery at any cost. Keep the kits inside." Lightstar instructed. Then she ran through the Clan and out the entrance to the screams. To her horror, she saw the two cats bleeding badly and trying to defend themselves while the intruders advanced.

Lightstar pounced on the nearest one, a brown tabby. It threw her off easily. "Leader, hm? I'm surprised that you're the strongest the forest has to offer. You can barely hurt a mouse." the cat, Lightstar seeing as a tom, growled. Dapplefur landed on him as he was about to knock Lightstar down again.

"Lightstar, Frostlight's coming. She wants to find who hurt Hailpaw. I couldn't stop her." Dapplefur said quickly between her fight with the other cat.

"Alright. We need all the help we can get." Lightstar replied.

Frostlight darted in and out between cats. She saw a cat around Mistyleaf's age and pounced. The cat was a tom, and he growled. He threw her off like a mouse.

"What's this? A heroic little warrior here to get revenge from when I clawed your little friend?" Shadow growled with delight as Frostlight circled him.

"You won't get away with this, you mangy flea-bag!" Frostlight growled back.

Shadow purred with amusement. "Oh, I'm shaking." Frostlight pounced again, this time digging her claws deep enough to get stuck. Shadow didn't seem hurt. He let her sit there for a bit before biting into her paw. Frostlight yowled.

Suddenly, a cat pulled Frostlight off and threw her. "The battle's over. We got our warning sent." the cat growled.

"Aw, but it was just getting fun! Bloody fun." Shadow said, a growl combined with a purr.

"Well, Bone says it's time to go. I'll repeat what he said. 'Dark, get the rest of them. We're done here. Clawstar will be satisfied.' Besides, Bone says Clawstar wants you as his third deputy. I'm his second. You know bone's first." the cat (Dark) said.

"Fine." muttered Shadow. "But can I kill someone during our next battle?"

"The next battle will involve a lot of killing, don't worry." Dark purred. The intruders ran out into the forest, leaving a blood-covered PineClan behind.

Lightstar limped over to Frostlight. "I lost three lives." she murmered. "Are you alright?"

"I'm angry. Those cats are heartless." Frostlight replied.

"They are. We need to have a Gathering now, even if it isn't time. We must warn the other Clans." Lightstar growled. This was not over.





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