PART II: The Dark Side of the Moon-Chapter 1 The Armoury

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Chapter  1    The Armoury

"Has your Uncle always lived here at the castle? Even after he married?" I asked Robin the following day as we strolled along through the corridors and rooms. Robin was giving me a tour of my new home. And I was beginning to familiarize myself with my new surroundings. We came to a stop in the East Wing and Robin had just announced this held the bedchambers of his Uncle and Aunt as well as his cousins.

And I had to do so rather quickly, familiarize myself with my surroundings, as Robin had to return to his duties by the end of the week. Which meant I would be left on my own quite often. For days at a time even. I frowned at the thought. Robin stopped and turned to me with furrowed brows. He paused before answering my question.

"No. He did grow up here. And he did leave to De Noir Manor after he married Emmeline." Robin paused again and a darkness crept into his features.

"You have a manor? Is it the summerhouse?"

"Yes we have a manor. And also a summerhouse." Robin scoffs almost offendedly. I shrunk back at his reaction. I do tend to underestimate their wealth.

"May I ask what brought your uncle back to the castle?" I inquire quickly before we digress.

"He came back...after I was born. My father was not in a place to lord after the loss of my mother. So Uncle Henry took over control as Earl for several years until my father regained his strength so to speak." Robin shifted uncomfortably beside me. I knew he didn't like talking about his mother and I had a sense that he felt responsible for her death.

"Why have they chosen to stay? Why didn't he return to the manor?" I pressed as the thought came to mind.

"Uncle Henry is Father's closest confidant and his only brother. He works for him. He is needed here. It's a daunting task running the castle and the obligations associated. Father needs the assistance, I suppose." Robin shrugged, appearing to have grown bored on the topic. I gathered that he had never truly put much thought into it, as it was all he had ever known. Sir Henry has always lived at the castle in Robin's eyes.

"You and Catcher must have been very close, like brothers even. Having grown up together. You seem about the same age?" I raised my voice as a question at the end as I pressed Robin further. Trying to learn more of his confusing family dynamics. Robin paused again. An almost pained look on his face as he studied me.

"Catcher is two years older than I. But yes, about the same age, he just turned twenty-one last month actually...And yes we were close, like brothers even. Once."

"But not anymore?"

"You are quite perceptive yourself, you know." Robin smirked down at me

And toyed with a tendril of my hair that fell down my shoulder. His eyes grew dark again.

"What happened, Robin? Between you and Catcher?"

Robin sighed and stared at the stones that made up the wall beyond me. He chewed on his lip as he wavered over the decision to tell me or not.

"It has to do with Caudalie," He paused and gauged my expression as my brows knitted together in confusion. I relaxed my features and looked back at him expectantly. Robin sighed again and grimaced.

"It's complicated..."

"You can tell me anything..." I encourage him and run my hand down his arm, his muscles flexing as he tenses.

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