Chapter 3- Less Noble Activities

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I made my way down through the castle with Corrine at my side later during the week. I was pleasantly greeted by the other staff as we walked and it pleased me. I was beginning to feel accepted and welcomed into my new home.

"Good afternoon, Lady Maria." Mr. Bagsley greeted me with a warm smile as we passed the main entrance. He had just received the post and was sorting through the letters in his large hands slightly snarled by age.

"A fine afternoon indeed, Mr. Bagsley." I replied clutching my cloak tightly closed over my round belly. My pregnancy was no longer a secret at the castle nor amoungst the clansmembers and my family. Not entirely. Lord De Noir thought it best to announce the pregnancy as good news. He did so as soon as was feebly plausible, as if the conception were so to have happened on our first night Robin and I spent together in the castle as husband and wife.

So it was left to the belief that I was with child, only not as far along as I truly was. That, we had yet to develope a plan for. I was just into my sixth month and it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide the pregnancy as the shape of my body was rapidly changing. Thankfully winter proved to be a blessing yet again as it was necessary for one to remained cloaked and well covered up beneath many layers of clothing. Especially here in the cold, drafty medieval castle.

There were few who did know. Our closest confidants, of course. Only those Lord De Noir deemed necessary. Only those who could be trusted. Those who proved beneficial to our web of lies.

One of whom, being my Lady's Maid, Corrine, of course. For how could she not have suspected on her own? Having been the sole person to dress me and assist in bathing me. Yet she never spoke of it. Although I was and am, well under the impression that she knows of my current condition. And the mere fact that she purposely neglected to say a word on the matter, most definitely alluded to the fact that she herself had quickly discerned that this particular conception took place well before a proper union.

Her silence was neither sympathetic nor judgemental. I sensed she possessed a great respect for the family who employed her. Who she has given her time to for many years. In her youth she was the late Lady Athena De Noir's maid. She was loyal. And I was honoured that my father-in-law chose her for me.

Lord De Noir had requested her pressence in his study a few weeks ago. She froze, her eyes wide as she entered the room to find Robin and I sat before his desk.

"I want to thank you for you loyalty over the years, Corrine." Lord De Noir began. "You have proven to be trusted. I pressume your loyalty shall continue?"

Lord De Noir paused, awaiting Corrine's reply. Corrine glanced between Robin and I and her eyes flicked down to my stomach. She knew. Of course she had known. She had secretly replaced a number of my dresses with looser, less fitting options. Dresses with higher waistlines that flowed out from under a small band beneath my breasts rather than at my hips. And yet we both had not exchanged any words on the matter.

Secrecy and lies have truly become my second nature since meeting Robin.

"We will only speak of this here." Lord De Noir continued speaking cryptically, after a slight nod of an acknowledgement from Corrine. Corrine's trembling had ceased. I assumed she had believed she was here for a reprimand or perhaps to be relieved of her duties. I was pleased to see how her shoulders relaxed and a quiet sigh of relief escaped from her lips. Pleased that she cared enough for her position to have feared losing it so. Cared enough for me. Cared enough to protect me even though it meant she would have to be deceitful.

"Yes of course, your Lordship." Corrine replied and dipped into a small curtsy before Lord De Noir dismissed her.

"A letter for you, Lady Maria." Mr. Basgley's deep voice drawled out slowly. I turned back to him and closed the gap between us with excitement in my step. Quickly I turned the letter over and ran my thumb over the deep blue wax seal, stamped with Uncle Benjamin's signet. A letter from my family! I smiled to myself and tucked it into the pocket of my cloak.

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