Chapter 9-I Need You

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Robin stirred and grunted beside me. I heard him take a deep breath and then wince. His eyes fluttered open the moment I turned to look at him. I was sat leaning against the headboard of our bed paging through a French literature book but not absorbing the tale. I attributed it to my sub-par French. I was only nearly fluent. But with a preoccupied mind, reading a book not in my native tongue was possibly not the smartest choice right now. It hadn't much in the way of a welcome distraction as I had so hoped.

I quickly folded my book shut and discarded it somewhere on my right. I didn't care. I would've tossed it at the nearest wall if I knew such an action wouldn't inadvertently put anymore stress on my husband in his poorly state. Last night was one of the most difficult nights I have ever endured thus far in my life. Even more so than the harrowing night I spent on the cold, dank dungeon floors not long ago. Even more so than the night I had learnt of my father's death.

And without a doubt it was also Robin's worst night of his life. Being so near to death. He was incoherent and writhing with pain. Doused in perspiration. His body trembled, teeth chattered. He woke many times. His screams echoing throughout the castle. Nurse Swank fussed over him constantly and I kept my eyes trained on him the rest of the time. My hand was set to his brow nearly continuously and in my exhaustion I swore I'd find it searing hot with fever.

I dabbed his face with a moistened flannel. And with another I let drips of water fall in between his parted lips. He had reached out the second time I had done so, his rough hand clasped around my wrist, desperation imminent in his touch. His eyes had remained closed, although tightly so, his features not serene as before when his slumber had been induced medicinally.

And I knew that was all the strength he had to allow me an acknowledgement that he knew I was there. By his side. That I'd never leave him. That I loved him deeply and unconditionally.

"Water..." Robin rasped. He stared up at the ceiling but he knew I was sitting next to him in our bed. Without speaking I jumped up and ran to the side table, hastily filling a crystal glass with water, it sloshed out from the carafe by my trembling hands. I dashed back and hesitated in the slightest at his bedside.

"Shall I fetch the nurse?" I asked dumbly.

"Water." Robin said again with a small nod of his head.

"Right. Of am going to prop you up a bit." I paused, gauging his reaction. He gave a sigh and closed his eyes. I knew he was frustrated and his patience was waning due to his pain.

I set the glass down on his bedside table. And slipped a trembling arm behind his shoulders. I pushed him up slowly, slightly and shoved another pillow behind him as he grimaced and cursed under his breath. I gave him an apologetic look and quickly brought the glass to his lips, cupping a hand at the back of his head as he drank.

After I set the glass back down I turned back to find Robin peeling the duvet off of himself and inspecting his bandaged torso. He slid his right hand over the blood stained strip of cloth, stopping as he drew near whense he hissed in pain, "Fuck..." He cursed barely audibly to himself, "Bloody bastard bloody near got the best of me, didn't he?" Robin attempted a grin but his mouth trembled and he let his head fall back against the pillow. Already exhausted by the slight movements he had been making.

"Oh Robin!" I sobbed, falling to my knees beside the bed and placing my head carefully on his shoulder. We sat like that for a long moment. Words needn't be said. Simply soothed by the nearness of eachother. Our slight touch. The mere fact the Robin was alive.

I felt Robin press his lips into my hair and I looked up at him. I viciously wiped at my tear soaked face and we searched eachother's eyes as if our souls were speaking amongst one another. Then I leant forward and showered him with kisses. He chuckled ever so slightly. "I love you so much, Robin. I...just...promise me you'll never leave me!" I whimpered into his hair. I sat back onto my heels and he inched his fingers toward mine, letting his hand cover mine. I clasped my hand in his and brought it to my lips.

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