Chapter14-Falling Through Time

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I was falling. Falling on a subconscious level. Series of events flashed through my mind in great succession. And it took me a time to realise the events not only pertained to me but belonged to me. Bits and pieces from my own memory flew by as if pages of a book being torn away one by one. Backwards-the memories were being played backwards.

Rewinding. Erasing. Disappearing.

"Oof!" I landed with a thud that stole the breath from my lungs. I opened my eyes and blinked at my surroundings. The forest. I was in the forest and I must have been thrown from Periwinkle who I caught sight of, standing rigidly, not far from where I sat upon the ground. She appeared irritated. My hands stung and my bottom felt sore from the impact. My head swayed and I felt confusion overwhelm me.

It was summer and I was in the forest. Everything felt distant to me. And I couldn't remember having left the manor although I knew why I came to the forest, why I was here.

But Something was off...Something felt strange.

"You all right? You've had quite a fall from"

I hear a young man's voice inquire as my vision settles from bleary to clear. He cautiously approaches my stout mare as if he's never seen such a pathetic excuse for a horse. I continue to blink and then rub my eyes as if to rub away the confusion that I feel. I watch as he collects Periwinkle's reins and fastens her to a nearby tree.

"She's looking a bit peaked, if you ask me."

I hear another male voice say beyond the shoulder of the boy who is now crouched down in front of me. The sun is shining harshly through a clearing in the trees and glaring behind his back, casting him in a shadow. I set my hand to my brow to shade my eyes.

"Take my hand. Let's see how you fair on your feet then, shall we?" The strange young man suggests. I let him clasp his hand around mine and feel the other slide around my shoulder as he hoists me up to my feet. My head pounds and I sway against him. Strong arms and warmth envelop me, "Oh. I do believe I've taken quite a turn." I complain and I look up into the eyes of my rescuer. Deep, vibrant blue eyes filled with kindness. And I stare into them for such a time as I try to place an odd familiarity I find in them that he tilts his head to the side and knits his brow together and I quickly look away having grown uncomfortable.

"Come," he says, hand slipping to the small of my back and he urges me to turn and gestures to a boulder under the shade of a large tree. I wipe a hand over my brow, inconspicuously trying to remove the little beads of perspiration that have begun to form in the heat of the day. I inhale a deep breath and am overwhelmed by the enchanting smells of summer. Of lilies and jasmine mixed with the crisp smell of pine of the forest.

"It's not fit for a princess. But not as prickly as the pine needles..." He continues and I feel a twinge of something in my stomach, a recollection, as a grin plays over his lips and lights up his handsome features. He sits beside me on the boulder. And smooths his hands over his perfectly tailored black trousers.

"May I ask what such a fine Lady as yourself is doing out in the forest alone?"

"Oh. Oh I was to meet...someone." I reply shyly but it came out as a question. I believe I was purposed to meet someone. I gaze about my surroundings as if the certain someone were possibly here. Understanding crosses the young man's face and a flash of something changes in his eyes. Temporarily darkening his features.

"I see. Does this...someone have a name? Perhaps I can help." He shrugs and tosses a small twig that he had been twiddling about between his fingers to the ground.

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