Chapter 31-Epilogue

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24 December, 1845

I hadn't seen Catcher since that day in the snow. Which had been the twenty-second of April eighteen-forty-four. Nearly two years have passed. Two wonderfully, blissful years. And today he was returning to the castle with his soon to be bride Lady Anastasia. Anastasia was very young. But she would be of marrying age come spring. And she was betrothed to Catcher who would be six years older than her. Which was not uncommon. To marry an older man. It was favourable to marry a daughter off to a man who was well established in his title.

In the time that had passed I had come to believe that my choices had been right. I had shown Catcher mercy. And in turn I must have sparked a bit of good in him, for he had shown me mercy. He had let me alone. Both of us harbouring a dark secret. A very dark secret. I almost felt an accomplice, at times, keeping such a scandal to myself. And I took a rather large leap of faith, trusting Catcher after what he had done. After the way he had treated me.

We seemed to have had an unspoken truce. He knew I could have left him for dead that day out in the cemetery. But I didn't. And I knew that he could have come for me and stolen me away yet again. But he didn't.

It was late afternoon when he and Anastasia arrived. I knew only because of the excited chatter and bustling about of the maids. They had been rushing about since yesterday in preparations for our guests. Crisp crimson linens billowing out of their hands as they rushed past to ready the bedchambers. Giggling about seeing Master Catcher's handsome face again. And gossiping about Lord Killian's daughter, Lady Anastasia.

We were sat in the drawing room being served tea. My heart was fluttering nervously and my breathing quickened. My palms were slick with perspiration. There was no preparing myself for this. Seeing him again. Catcher. I swallowed back the nausea that rose up in my stomach.

Mr. Bagsley appeared. Beaming, he announced, "Sir Constantine and Lady Anastasia have arrived, your Lordship." Mr. Bagsley stepped aside with a slight bow. Emmeline, Sir Henry and Lord De Noir rose to their feet along with Caudalie, momentarily obscuring my view.

Anastasia swept into the room gracefully. She had matured some since I had seen her last, when she had been only about the age of thirteen. She wore a burgundy and gold silk gown. And her rich brown hair fell in soft, shiny waves to her small waist. She still had those childish, doe-like eyes, fringed with long fluttery lashes.

Catcher was followed closely behind her. He looked much the same. His eyes flicked over me as his parents and sister smothered him in greeting. Robin then stood and stepped forward. So I stood, slowly, awkwardly hanging back. I knew not to make a scene so I forced myself to draw nearer. I only a chance to greet Anastasia quickly, as Emmeline had swept her away. Linking arms with her and whispering womanly nonsense into her ear. Smiling warmly at her soon to be daughter-in-law.

I was left standing in front of Catcher just as he and Robin had shared a handshake and a brotherly type pat on the shoulder-the way that blokes do. Robin put his hand on the small of my back ushering me forward. This was too strange to fathom. The civility of it all. How could I allow Catcher this justice?

My heart hammered against my chest as I stepped forward recalling my proper etiquette. And greeted Catcher by brushing my lips every so lightly on either side of his face. The familiar scent of him caught me off guard. It flooded me with memories. Emotions. "Catcher," I dipped my head in a slight bow of a greeting.

"Please, call me Constantine now. After all, it is my given name." Hearing his voice again caused me to draw in my breath in a near gasp. I hoped he hadn't noticed. I looked up at him quickly. We locked eyes for a fraction of a second. But there were so many emotions there that we both turned away.

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