Chapter 25-Suffer Truth

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I awoke the next morning with a groan. My eyes felt swollen and burned from the salt of my tears. I stretched onto my back and blinked up at the ceiling halfway expecting to see the stars and sky as painted on the ceiling of my room at the manor. I froze. As the realisation washed over me quickly. I was most definitely not in my bed at Moonacre Manor. Nor was I in the bed that Robin and I had shared. It was juvenile of me to believe that this all would disappear so easily and my life would return to the way it was.

I was in Catcher's bed. I was Catcher's wife now. I looked down at the ring on my finger. It glittered majestically in the early predawn light that filtered through the heavy drapes. I wondered then where the beautiful ring was that Robin had given me. The one that had belonged to his late mother. My heart felt heavy with burden. I felt exhausted, already, upon having woken up at the truth that had been revealed to me. And the burden of needing to find a way to avenge what was stolen.

Catcher wasn't lying beside me in the bed. I sat up and winced at the bruised feeling I felt between my legs. I held the covers up over my naked breasts and glanced around the bedchambers. Taking note the key was not resting in the lock on the door, meaning essentially, that I was locked in. I had half a mind to believe that Catcher did that purposely.

Was it even possible that I could remember what Catcher had done? Did he live in fear of that? And now that I knew, would it be possible for me to continue on as if I hadn't known. To pretend to be in love with him? I squeezed shut my eyes as my stomach acids rose up to my throat at the thought. And the memories of last night. How I betrayed Robin. Making love with Catcher, clinging to him and moaning his name as he brought me pleasure. The warmth I felt of his release. That wasn't something I wanted ever to feel of another man. It sickened me. Forgive me, Robin. My heart cried out in shame and regret.

I drew my knees up to my chest and rested my head upon them. When I opened my eyes they fell to Catcher's dagger that sat upon his night table on my left. And I realised then why I had those visions prior. The awful ones of me doing harm to Catcher. Because somewhere deep down part of me was screaming the truth to my own self. A deep hatred buried. The need for revenge. The urge to fight for what was stolen. What he had done.

What had he done? One moment Catcher and I were fighting in the snow covered grounds of the castle and the next I had presumably fallen from my horse in the middle of the forest. And it was summer.

I could make your pain as if it had never come to pass...

I remember Catcher clasping my hand over his and in it was an amulet. One he had showed me, one in which hosted two single moon pearls. "Impossible." I breathed to myself. Impossible but unfortunately true.

It's as if he rewound the hands of time. But how had none of us known? I sat up straighter. Was it possible that Catcher was unaware as well? Was it possible that only I was aware what Catcher had done?

I nearly jumped at the sound of a door clicking open. I hadn't yet prepared myself to see him. I was frightened of what he'd see in my eyes. I can't do this. I can't do this. You must! You must! I chanted to myself as Catcher emerged from the en suite in a dressing gown. I fought hard to smile at him and I hoped in the dim light of the room that he didn't see how my mouth quivered at the forced smile.

"Good morning, love. I trust you slept well in your new home?" His eyes twinkled bemusedly. He looked delightfully happy and those awful visions threatened at the corner of my mind. I felt my eye twitch with hatred. I was faltering so soon. His smile faded at the silence that ensued. Be strong, Maria. Be strong!

"Quite well, indeed." I finally managed. My voice came out smoothly despite the struggle. His shoulders relaxed and relief washed over me. I can do this. I know I can. Catcher crossed the room and retrieved my dressing gown that was still lain about the floor from last night. He came back around the bed to my side and held it out to me.

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