Chapter 17-Fancy a Swim

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I made my way over to Robin, pondering my strange evening. Catcher had me perplexed. He could be charming and dashing and sweep me off my feet in an instant but in that same instant he was dark and cruel. And he had kissed me. Twice tonight. I shook my head in disbelief of my actions tonight. How could I allow a boy I had just met to kiss me? No, not a boy. He was man, a young man but still much older than I. Older than Robin.

And what of Robin? Robin had been my first kiss. One that I had desired. Not one that was stolen in surprise. And I had greatly enjoyed that kiss with Robin. And why did Robin keep disapearing and leaving me alone with his cousin? I couldn't allow for myself to be passed between the two of them like some harlot. I was better than that. I had more class than that.

"Robin, I-"

"There you are!" Robin began loudly, he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me against him roughly, "Oh, sorry! I'm beginning to have depth perception issues. Oh fuck, I'm pissed then aren't I? It's the beginning of the end isn't it, gents?" Robin threw his head back in a laugh and the others joined in.

"It's that tosser of a cousin of yours. Where does he get that stuff? It's bloody brilliant." Holden said, stripping himself of his shirt and then yanking his trousers down. I was momentarily blinded as a warm, sweaty hand clapped over my eyes.

"Oi! Come off it. We have a princess in our presence!" Robin teased, eliciting another round of laughs. His hand fell from my eyes and I gave him a pointed look.

"Look there," Robin pointed, flask in hand, up to the top of the water fall, "We're cheering on these daft fools who thought it'd be brilliant to jump. Think they can make it?" Robin chuckled loudly.

"Ten minutes with her says I can."

"In your dreams, mate. The princess is mine."

"Oh really, does Catcher know that?"

And there was a crack as Robin's fist met with the side of Holden's face. I stepped back with a gasp at the violence that ensued. I have never seen boys in a physical fight. I flinched at the feel of small hands on my shoulders. I spun around to find myself face to face with the girl with reddish-blonde hair.

"No matter. They will come off it. I'm Remy."

"Maria. Pleasure to meet you."

"Indeed. The infamous Merryweather girl. The Moon Princess. I envy you."

"Do you? Seems odd. You hardly know me."

"You're right. I don't. I just feel...I feel like I do, know you, that is. Do you swim?"

" I...swim?" I blinked back at the girl, Remy, and then to the gentle lapping waters of the lake. Finally my gaze rested on the squabbling boys who had halted their antics and swearing and lay upon their backs, chests rising and falling with heavy breaths. Robin reached out and thwacked Holden across his bare chest one last time, "Wanker." And Holden shoved hard at Robin's shoulder, "Arrogant prat." Their truce was called. They both burst out in a laugh. "Come on, lets see then." Robin rose to his feet and dusted his trousers of sand, "still going to jump?"

"See, what did I say? All is well again." Remy grinned widely at me and padded her way down to the water. I followed after her.

"You were serious, weren't you? You really going to swim?"

"Perhaps so, perhaps not." She lifted the skirts of her black silk dress and let the water rush over her feet. It was then that I noticed numerous other bodies already engaging in the activity. Heaps of discarded clothing lay just above the shoreline. My attention returned quickly to the waterfall. Someone was hesitating at the top and rude gestures and curses were flung at them from loose tongues down below. They jumped. I screamed in the thrill of watching. And laughed as they bubbled up, resurfacing above the water.

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