Chapter 19-Back Home

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"He hasn't seen her since last night?" Honour repeated exasperatedly, jumping to her feet. She paced in a small circle at the side of Robin's large, four-poster bed, "What should we do? I'm worried. Mercy and I...we always look out for each other..."

"Well, what I am going to do is escort Maria home. I've already promised her that. And I intend to do as I promised. Her family are most likely starting to feel as you are about your sister."

"Robin, how could you say that? Won't you help me look for her?"

"Look for her? Search the entire valley? Honestly Honour, I think you are overreacting." Robin shrugged his shoulders and looked pointedly at Pierce and Holden. It was apparent he didn't understand why they where humouring her.

Honour slumped over, leaning against the bed frame, defeatedly, "It's just...something doesn't feel right. I can sense it..."

"Perhaps we can start at the beach," Pierce offered, finally being of help. I was starting to wonder why they were even here at all with Honour.

Honour looked up and sniffled, "I don't know why I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps I was so sure that Mercy would be here. That's why I had enlisted your help," She paused to gesture toward Pierce and Holden, "as I knew Mr. Bagsley would never let me in to go pounding at Catcher's bedchamber door."

"So you've used us to get to Robin?" Holden scoffed.

"Mr. Bagsley would've let you in to see Robin, love. He is not unaware that you two fancy one another." Pierce blurted out and I looked up abruptly to see Robin give him a swift kick to his shin. Pierce cleared his throat after an awkward moment of silence, ", perhaps you're right. Mr. Bagsley can be a bit of an old prude."

Finally growing tired of this round about conversation, I decided to chime in, "The beach is on the way to the manor, is it not? Perhaps we could all go?"

Robin let out another long sigh. He was obviously annoyed. I too had been looking forward to spending much more time with him-alone. But I had begun to catch on to Honour's uneasiness. If she truly felt so strangely that something indeed was amiss, I felt that was important enough to atleast offer some help.

"Right then. Shall we?" Robin stated defeatedly. He took one last drink from his glass and marched toward the antechamber, "Well?" He asked harshly as we all stood frozen in place for the briefest of moments. Each of us jumped at Robin's prodding and followed after him.

We each mimicked one another as we emerged from the castle onto the grounds-raising a hand to our brow to shield the harsh light of the sun. "This is going to be a long one." Pierce complained.

"I couldn't agree more." Said Holden, eliciting a scoff from Honour. She trudged past them, purposely knocking into their shoulders as she did so. Robin nodded to the guards as we made our way down in the direction of the forest. Several clans members tipped their hats in acknowledgement of us. I couldn't help but feel awkward. Last time I had been here, I was running about in my undergarments.

We finally arrived at the lake. It glistened brightly as it reflected the harsh rays of the midday sun. The beach was a mess. Strewn with charred logs, several miscellaneous articles of forgotten clothes. Mismatched pairs of boots were strewn about the upper shore. A flask here and there glinted as a flash of silver amongst the sand and broken glass adorned the flat-topped boulder in which Catcher had taken post last night. It was a shame. And I immediately felt guilty in having been involved in the destruction of this beautiful sanctuary, hidden amongst the forest.

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