Chapter 21-The Deed

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Just over a month had passed since uncle's wedding. He and my new aunt, Loveday had just recently returned from their long honeymoon at the summerhouse. I had kept to myself. And I most definitely stayed out of the forest. I felt lonely without Robin's friendship. I missed our days spent together. I missed the simplicity of my life before that day I had met Robin's cousin.

I was sat in the piano room with Miss Heliotrope midday. Working on a particularly challenging needle point along side her. We remained mostly in silence, enjoying the warmth of the sun as it streamed in through the generous windows and the chirping of birds. But our peace was soon interrupted by the sound of a carriage drawing near.

I felt my pulse quicken and my breathing hitch. It wasn't often that we received company. Especially unannounced. I waited until it was heard that Digweed had received our guests. And then Miss Heliotrope and I crept up to the slightly ajar doors of the piano room and listened. I needn't worry of being admonished for eavesdropping as Miss Heliotrope was quite the nosy sort.

"...Ah Lord De Noir. I've been expecting you. Please let us talk in my study..." My eyes widened in surprise at the small bits I was able to hear echoing through the manor. Miss Heliotrope mimicked my reaction. Her hand flung up to cover her gaping mouth.

I turned back from the door and returned to my spot on the settee. Miss Heliotrope followed after, "Don't look so forlorn, Maria my dear. Where you expecting someone to see you?"

"I-I." I found myself stuttering much like my governess who had raised me. I clamped my mouth shut, not wanting to adapt her rather annoying habit. It wasn't just that I was expecting someone else but it was who had arrived. And I greatly feared what this meant. I felt fear as to why ever Lord De Noir would need to speak with my uncle but also a twinge of anticipation. As if deep down, I truly knew what this meant.

Miss Heliotrope gave me a sympathetic look, "You know. It is not becoming to find one's self pining after the likes of boys."

I blushed. I did not enjoy conversations pertaining to boys with Miss Heliotrope. A spinster no less. What ever could she know of boys? I sighed, "Miss Heliotrope..." I warned, letting her know I did not want to discuss in further detail this subject.

She huffed and returned to her nearly completed needlepoint. I spun mine around in my hands. It didn't look nearly as neat as hers. Mine was a tangle of knots and I'd only managed a small corner of the workings. I set it down defeatedly and poured myself another cup of tea.

Nearly an hour later, and I now in my bedchambers, came to my window and peered down at the sound of voices. I caught site of Lord De Noir, accompanied by his son, entering the carriage and leave. I hadn't even known Catcher was here with his father.

I felt the blood drain from my face. And images and memories of Catcher with his hard body pressed against mine, sounds of pleasure escaping my lips as he moved himself against me and the feel of his lips on mine flooded my mind. Part of me ached to feel him again. To hear his voice whispering nonsense to me that left my heart in a swoon. Had I truly missed him? Did this mean I truly felt for him what he seemingly felt for me? Was I in love with him?

I nearly jumped at the sound of a knock at my door. It was Sarah, Loveday's new lady's maid, "Pardon my intrusion, miss. Sir Benjamin has requested your presence in his study."

"Very well." I told her. I grabbed my shawl and wrapped it about my shoulders and followed her down through the manor and to my uncle's study.

My hand trembled as I reached up to rap lightly at his door. My face was flushed and little beads of perspiration dampened my temples.

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