Chapter 16-The Gathering

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"Ah, well if it isn't Moonacre's very own Princess." Catcher greeted me as Robin, Holden and a number of select few approached Catcher's exclusive gathering. Which was situated by a fire on the far left of the beach. We were shielded by a large boulder and some brush. And the waterfall thundered at his back. A misty spray fell over my skin as the breeze kicked up.

Catcher padded barefoot across the sand. He wore black leather pants and nothing else but a nearly sheer dark cloak that billowed out as he walked. His pale, bare chest seemingly glowed in the silvery light of the moon. I gasped as I caught sight of strange black markings that were inked into the skin of his chest and arms. Never before have I seen someone with permanent markings engraved into their skin. I have heard of it but I never seen it with my own eyes.

Catcher swooped over to me, bowing down to take my hand in his. He brought it to his lips and placed a kiss over my knuckles. His hand felt warm and moist from the sticky night and the heat that emanated off the roaring fire. Catcher lowered his voice and asked, "How are you feeling, Maria? Better I hope?"

I heard Robin make a noise that was a mix between annoyance and disbelief. Catcher turned to his cousin, he gave a cruel smile and scoffed. "You knew about Maria being thrown from her horse earlier today? And you didn't tell me?"

"Ah, yes. I was the knight in shining armour, and she the damsel in distress." Catcher chuckled lightly. Although his eyes glimmered mischievously. Robin scowled back at his cousin. "Relax mate, I was meant to tell you, for I promised Maria I would. But as you see, we've only just crossed paths. And I am telling you now." Catcher shrugged and gave a dismissive wave of his hand. He turned, tossing his cloak aside as he did so and I caught sight of his back. My eyes grew wide as I trailed the intricate markings that continued there as well as his front.

"Come, come everyone. Gather near." Catcher instructed at the growing group of black, red and silver clad young clanspeople. There were perhaps a number of fifteen of us. I joined in, although still confused as to what we were doing. Everyone looked to Catcher as he took his place before a wide, flat topped boulder.

"I paid a visit to Euleila at the apothecary. I paid a sinful price for this," Catcher began as he set a large glass bottle atop the boulder, followed by two more. The bottles were corked and a vibrant, moss-coloured green liquid sloshed inside the clear glass. "For those of you who are too frightened to experiment in the alteration of your reality, please leave now. For I do not want to waste my time nor my expense at your weakness."

I involuntarily took a step back. Having a clear idea of what the contents of the glass bottles were. I have read of this deceptive drink. And I wasn't sure I wanted to partake. I felt Robin's hand clasp around mine. He pulled me against him and whispered in my ear, "No worries, Maria. I've drank absinthe before. I promise, you'll enjoy yourself."

Robin took another swig from the flask and he handed it to me when he caught me staring at it. I hastily took a drink from it and let the heaviness in my shoulders it elicited calm me. We watched as Catcher began to set out small glasses along the flat surface of the boulder. Chatter and laughter began as people mingled. And then I heard the soft rhythmic thumping of drums. I craned my neck above the crowd to see where the it was coming from. Two forms sat on Catcher's left atop the sand. There were cloaked, hoods drawn up over their heads and bent over drums. Girls pulled on each other's wrists and into a circle in which they began to dance.

I thought of witches and instinctually looked up into the night sky at the moon. A full moon. I said to myself. Part of me rose in alarm. And part of me became entranced by the rhythmic thrumming and the soft ripple of water. I watched the moon's glittering reflection off the lake's surface. I turned to tell Robin how beautiful I was but I found I was stood alone. I scanned the crowd of people and my eyes locked with Catcher's. He inclined his head, beckoning me to join him.

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