Chapter 10-The Midwife

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March came with some much needed warmer weather. There was still snow on the ground and it was still considerably cold. But the days were sunnier and the snow was only boot deep with even the occasional bare patch in which the earth below could be seen.

Weeks have gone by since Robin was returned to me nearly fatally injured. I sat by his bedside for many days whilst he recovered. Becoming overjoyed as he regained his strength and healed. I encouraged him to push himself when needed and insisted he rest when I felt he pushed himself too far. He was up and about now but not quite back to how he was before. He kept an arm wrapped around his ribs as if securing himself in place, bracing himself against the pain that lingered and grew with exertion.

They were few casualties on our side but many were wounded. The guards and clansmen began training again, drafting boys as young as the age of twelve. The promise of their ability to contribute when they became of age to the small De Noir army a solace. Lord De Noir vowing to never allow such weakness to penetrate their forces again.

Lord Killian arrived by invitation of my father-in-law. He was attended by an entourage of his own crimson clad guards, meek looking servants, a somber, harsh looking right hand man and a young beautiful girl with rich chocolate brown hair that fell in shiny waves to her small waist. She was adorned in crimson and gold. With shimmery gold ribbons weaved through the plaits in her hair at her temples. She had a flawless olive complexion and large doe-like eyes that matched the rich color of her hair. She was Lord Killian's only daughter, Lady Anastasia.

Why Lord Killian brought his young daughter, I did not understand. Not until I watched as Mr. Bagsley summoned Catcher and escorted him into his Uncle's study after our ominous guests.

"This is an outrage!" Catcher cried the following day at supper, shoving his plate away from him in a huff and turning to scowl at his father. "She is too bloody young and I don't want to wait around for her to come of age, I am already twenty-one I won't let my youth beguile me. And I don't want to marry her. Dare you sell me off like a pig for slaughter!"

I looked to Robin and back to Lord De Noir and Sir Henry and then back to Robin again. I could see by his reaction that Robin already knew. Of course he knew. Robin had suffered the most by Lord Killian's dispulsion of the treaty that led to a war between the two enemy clans.

Now I knew why Lord Killian had presented his young beautiful daughter yesterday. Now I understood why he was invited here at all after what he had done. It was a move known all to well throughout history as we all know it. A betrothal made to settle a dispute between two wealthy, rivaling families.

Lord Killian desired for his daughter the wealth and status that Catcher could provide second to Robin. That, I had learnt prior, was what Lord Killian loathed most about the De Noirs. Not the land dispute, not the revenues from the warf but the fact that Robin was purposed to Lady Anastasia many years ago. But it was I who was the cause for breaking that promise. Another reason why Lord De Noir had been so against me in the beginning.

"Nonsense, son. You will do as you are told. There is no say on the matter. You will marry the Lady Anastasia as soon as she comes of age. And in the mean time you may continue the company of your women." Sir Henry admonished.

"I will be an old man before I can bare children with her. I won't stand for it!"

"Rubbish! She is not nearly as young as you believe. Surely you don't believe you will age so in just three years time?"

"Catcher, Lady Anastasia is a very beautiful and noble girl. Who would be better suited for you?" Emmeline urged, leaning forward and placing a small hand over her son's fist atop the table. He jerked his hand out form under hers and his eyes landed on mine. I struggled to breath at the implication of this action, praying that no one else read into as I. He continued to hold my gaze, almost looking straight through me.

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