Chapter 4-Remy

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Maria's pov

It was early in the morning yet Robin and I were stood in the drawing room on the main level of the castle. His friends were there as well. Lounging about the room and awaiting the arrival of Pierce.

Finally the door opened and Mr. Bagsley stepped aside allowing Pierce to enter, followed closely by Remy. Excitement bubbled up into my chest at the sight of her. Reddish blonde hair bouncing with each step she took. Her darkly lined eyes warm and full of light, found mine and she grinned widely at me.

Everyone stood, straightening out their cloaks. There was an exaggerated mixture of sighs and stretching, a playfully portrayal of annoyance at Pierce and his tardiness.

"Her fault not mine." Pierce stated in defense, thrusting a thumb over his shoulder in Remy's direction.

"Tell that to the guards we were meant to relieve at half past. Right foul lot of blokes they'll be after night patrols, Pierce." Robin threatened with a scorn. He slapped his hand over Pierce's back and headed for the door.

"Good on ya, Pierce. Remember what they pulled on us last time we set them off?" Cole complained, removing his hat and running his fingers through his short sandy coloured hair.

I have heard tales of the pranks that the guards pull on eachother and Robin and his friends and vice-versa. They like to tease and laugh about it when they've been drinking. But in reality the pranks are far from childish and sometimes dangerous and mostly not funny at all.

"You mean the incident with the snakes in our camp? The rather frightening yet non-venomous snakes, that is? " Holden jeered, clutching his side when Cole elbowed him. It was clear that the joke was on Cole.

"I thought only girls screamed like that?" Colin barely managed to say between laughs, pointing a finger at Cole.

"Right," Cole began, squaring his shoulders at Colin, "I can still hear you crying, 'It's on me! It's on me! It fucking touched me!' like it was just yesterday."

"Yeah, well, it bloody well did touch me. Seriously slid over my chest. Thankfully I had awoken to your girlish screams before it violated me any further." Colin laughed. It was obvious he had long since moved on from the incident.

"'s lovely reminiscing, but I'd much prefer not to give the guards more time than they've already have to conjure up a prank to top the last. Come on then gents, we've a long day ahead of us." Robin stated, his tone annoyed but his eyes twinkled playfully. He leant down and caught my mouth for a kiss. Then he stepped closer, shielding me by his tall frame and slipped me his tongue. I fought back a moan and he pulled away and chuckled, leaving me breathless.

But it wasn't just his kiss that enamoured me so, it was the loving way his hands secretly smoothed over the convex shape of my belly that put an ache into my heart. I stood there as the boys filed out behind Robin, tipping their hats toward me as they passed, eyebrows raised suggestively and little smirks played across their lips. I have grown to love them all.

Funny really how life can change so easily. I mused.

"Maria!" Remy squealed as she bounded over to me. She greeted me with a peck on each side of my face and beamed at me.

"I am so gladdened to have your company today, Remy!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her through the doorway and into the corridor, "Come, let's go to my bedchambers and talk as little schoolgirls would."

Remy giggled and hooked her arm with mine and we trudged through the castle. Winding our way through dark corridors, up countless steps and up to my bedchambers.

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