Chapter 15-Into the Garden

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Tap. Tap. I awoke to a strange noise. Blinking up at my ceiling, illuminated slightly by the soft glow of the moon, I sighed. Perhaps it's a bird, frantically pecking at the small eave of my tower's roof. I rolled to my side in a huff and as I faced the window I heard another tapping that clattered against the glass.

My brow creased in confusion and I tossed the covers back, sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I let my feet rest against the cool, wooden floorboards whilst my head further adjusted from sleep to wake. I dashed over to the window and parted the sheer curtain.

Down below, in the garden, I could make out a dark figure. A boy. It must be Robin. He must've waited all day and partly into the night to inquire of me and my absence today. I saw the figure's hand raise in acknowledgement and I pressed my hands to the glass and peered closer. He was beckoning me.

I have never had a boy coax me from my slumber and out into the gardens before. What would Uncle and Miss Heliotrope think if they knew? What type of punishment would ensue if I were to be caught? The boy put his hands on his hips and cocked his head to the side at my hesitation. It was a feigned portrayal of annoyance. I laughed and held up a finger, hoping that he could see, letting him know I'd be down in a moment's time.

My heart fluttered excitedly at my rebellion. I quickly fumbled around in the darkness for my clothes. Rummaging through my wardrobe I snatched a black velvet dress, one that was without a hindrance of a train. I thrust my stockinged feet into a pair of black boots and crept out the door and out into the main corridor. I hastily unraveled the plait in my hair as I descended the stairs and let my hair fall over my shoulders in soft, auburn waves. The floorboards creaked at my weight and I sucked in a breath, pausing, my thoughts went to Wrolf-would Wrolf object? Could I sneak past the sleeping beast successfully?

I burst through the glass-paneled French doors that led out to the gardens from the piano room and made my way across the soft grass. The air hung heavy with the humid warmth of summer. The smell of roses scented a delicate, cool breeze that swept past me. A strand of hair crossed over my face and then fell back as the breeze ceased.

"Robin?" I whispered at the figure that leant casually against one of the stone pillars that made up a large gazebo. He was grinning at me incredulously. "Surprised that I came down, Robin?"

"I never imagined I could convince you to be so rebellious, Maria. But I thought it wouldn't hurt to try."

Robin pushed off from the pillar and sauntered over to me. I felt that familiar pain in my heart again. Almost felt as a piece was missing. A memory. A piece of history that I couldn't recall. I drew in a shaky breath.

"You weren't there today..."

"I-I...I know. I had some trouble with my horse. She threw me and I took quite a turn. I'm sorry."

"Nevermind that. You all right?"

"Much better." We stared at each other for a long moment. I debated telling Robin about how I met his cousin who had helped me. But I chose to not bother with the details. Instead, I felt angered that Catcher hadn't told Robin about finding me in the forest. He had said that he would let Robin know why I hadn't come to meet him.

"Is that why you came? Because you were worried?"

"Of course. I wonder-" Robin paused, earning my curiosity. He brushed past me and stopped before one of the roses, gently caressing a silky white petal between his fingers.

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