Chapter 28-Redemption

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Catcher didn't leave that night. He had returned home late, well after the evening meal and was tired and quiet and distant. I fought hard to hide my nervousness from him. I couldn't stop thinking of Robin and what he must be doing and thinking right now. How hard it must have been for him to let me go. Go back to Catcher.

I gritted my teeth tightly together when Catcher slid over me beneath the covers. His hands ran along the curves of my body, rucking up my nightdress over my hips. And his lips pressed over mine hungrily. I didn't know what time it was. Late. And all I could think about was the possibility of Robin lurking in the corridor waiting for Catcher to leave so he could follow him.

This will all be over soon. It must. I told myself, feeling encouraged by the fact that I now had Robin on my side. Someone to help me through this darkness. I tried not to moan, instead my back arched and my head tilted back as Catcher pressed into me. He moved his mouth to my throat and the sensation caused me to gasp involuntarily. I hated myself for enjoying what Catcher did to me. But I kept lying to myself to make it okay. Convincing myself that I had to do this to survive. That it was I who was deceiving him. And that this will indeed all be over soon.

The bed creaked loudly at Catcher's quickened pace. I stiffened, coming down from my high. The lie. And back into reality. Robin can't hear this. I told myself. It would kill him. He could be just there in the corridor. Why hadn't I pushed Catcher away? Told him no? Why had I given in so easily? Was I truly that broken that I no longer even bothered to put up a fight?

"Why will you never let go for me?" Catcher panted against my ear, his breath sent a chill down my neck and back. I shuddered. He hooked his arm beneath my knee and pulled my leg up higher. I cried out as this allowed him to press into me deeply. "Come for me, Maria." He ordered rather than pleaded.

Don't do this to me. Don't make me do this. Not now. I thought. I cried out again, Catcher's movements were intense. I looked into his eyes and saw a glimmer of malice in them. He knows. Oh heavens, Catcher knows! He knows Robin is in the corridor and he is doing this to spite him. "Stop holding back. I know you want to. I know you are almost there. Let go." He told me again and pressed his lips over mine, forcing them open and sliding his tongue over mine.

I can't do this anymore! I can't. "Catcher...please. Stop. I won't." I shoved my hands against Catcher's chest, pushing him from me.

"'Stop?'" Catcher scoffed bemusedly. He pulled back and I scrambled out from beneath him. If Robin didn't come straight away I knew Catcher would hurt me. I had angered him greatly. I was not safe.

"Robin! Robin, please!" I shouted. I jumped to my feet and away from the bed, pushing my night dress down from hips whilst Catcher was caught off guard, momentarily shocked. Catcher sneered at me, his eyes alight with a wicked amusement.

The silence hung in the air like a thousand knives. Intense and threatening. He looked at me as if I were a pathetic creature. Almost a pityingly look. And I knew straight away I was in danger. Finally Catcher laughed. He slipped into his trousers and I backed against the wall, hands trembling and heart racing.

"Couldn't have just played along a bit longer could you? Let me finish, at least?" He laughed again at the look on my face and continued, speaking with an eerie calm, "I am impressed you have lasted this long, really. I just assumed it was because you rather enjoyed being fucked by me so you kept pretending you didn't know. Quite entertaining, actually."

My eyes darted from him and to the door and back. And over to the dagger I could see set atop the night table. The silver blade glinted by the glow of the fire at Catcher's back. Beckoning me. Although there was no way I could reach it. Catcher watched me much like an animal calculates the movements of it's prey. Entertained. And satisfied in the knowledge of having the upper hand.

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