Chapter 22-Wicked

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"Maria, the announcement banquet is tonight and whether or not you attend you are still to marry the Earl's son."

I was sat at the edge of my bed with my arms crossed defiantly over my chest as my uncle lectured me on my childish behaviour. Loveday was stood hesitantly in the corner of my bedchambers giving me a look of sympathetic encouragement.

Uncle fingered the small stack of rather obviously un-opened letters atop my desk. They were from De Noir castle. Most likely in Catcher's hand. I groaned inwardly when uncle noticed them. Now he knew that I had been purposely ignoring Catcher's correspondence. It was immature of me, I know. But I still was angered with him for not calling on me in person.

Not that I expected a bouquet of crimson roses, a ring and hand written poem that professed our love. But a walk in the gardens, a lovely conversation over tea, or even merely my approval sought at the stoop of my door was better than a signed deed and a banquet held without Catcher having even spoken to me about this in person at all.

"I see that you have not been corresponding with the Earl's son. Think of what your childish actions have portrayed. For surely you have greatly offended the De Noirs. Why must you be so stubborn and ungrateful, child?"

"Ungrateful?" I spat back incredulously. I rose to my feet and readied myself to unleash all my anger and frustration upon my uncle but he took a step closer to me and squared his shoulders, silencing me immediately. He reminded me then of my father when he'd scold me as a child. I held enough respect for his authority to know when to back down.

"I will drag you out of here kicking and screaming if I must, Maria. But I have high hopes that you will find this all much to your pleasure if I shan't. You will be downstairs and proper within the hour. The carriage will be waiting for us all and we will attend your announcement banquet."

With that uncle turned on his heel, his tailcoat whipped behind him and he stalked out of my bedchambers. He nearly hit his head as he struggled to duck down through the small door frame.

I stood frozen in the middle of my room. My eyes stung until I finally blinked and looked up a Loveday. She stepped timidly over to me. She was so light and graceful on her feet that her footsteps couldn't even be heard. She reached out and placed a hand to my shoulder. A gesture meant to comfort and also encourage me. I knew she too didn't agree with my behaviour. Although she could understand my feelings, "You mustn't fret so, my dear. Chin up, smile and continue on with strength." She told me before she left.

Once the door shut behind her I turned to the dress Loveday had brought me. It was laid over the trunk at the foot of my bed. Deep violet silk with gold threaded trimmings. I breathed in deeply and did as I was told.

Not long after, and after a rather uncomfortable bumpy carriage ride we arrived at De Noir castle. My stomach was knotted in a fit of nerves. I had only overcome my first battle and that was with myself. Letting go of my stubborn pride and being obedient. Now I had to face Catcher. I know he must be upset with me. But I was upset with him. I have been waiting for him to be the one to relent and come to me. But he has also been waiting for me to relent and come to him. Neither of us have. So it is true, we are both stubborn and strong willed. What was to come of us? Who is the stronger of the two?

Once inside the entrance of the castle, the parlour, uncle, Loveday and Miss Heliotrope followed by Digweed-uncle had insisted he be treated as a guest and not a coachmen-bustled ahead of me after the butler who was leading us to the dining hall. I purposely lingered behind and uncle had given me a knowing look. They had meant for me to have a moment alone in which Catcher and I'd the opportunity to speak before the announcement.

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