Chapter 5-Caudalie

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Two weeks have passed and I have managed to avoid Catcher almost completely. I felt as if I ghosted throughout the castle. Not because I was trying to go about unseen. I didn't fear Catcher so much so to feel the need to hide from him. But rather my mind was particularly preoccupied over thoughts pertaining to Catcher and the precarious conversation we had that day in the library.

Meal times had become rather awkward. The room held an uncomfortable tension. At least as far as I was concerned. I could almost feel an ominous pull, a connection that was drawn across the table from me over to Catcher.

He had succeeded greatly at infiltrating my mind.

And I was growing tired of it. My once innocent thoughts beautifully consisting of my love and infatuation with Robin, of the life we created in my womb, have now been bombarded with foreboding threats and fears. Fears of something which was meant for good, now in the control of hands filled with malice.

I needed to confide in Robin. But I couldn't. Each time I drew up the courage to speak with Robin an unknown force caused me to recoil. Was I unknowingly protecting Robin? And if so, then who would protect me?

I am going to confront Catcher.

I decided one evening, right there at supper. I looked straight at him across from the table. His deep blue eyes piercing into mine. The corner of his mouth twitched up into a fraction of a smile and ever so slightly he dipped his head in a nod.

My breath caught in my chest. Had Catcher just acknowledged my thoughts? No, that can't be possible.

What were the limitations, if not any, if he truly held the power of the Moon Pearls? And what were his limitations, of his dark craft? Could one truly harness the ability to read one's thoughts? The idea appeared ludicrous to me. For surely he is only toying with me.

In his twisted sociopathic mind, he has created a game of sorts.

But what was it he was trying to achieve? Who or what was the prize?

I withdrew from the table conversation as I pondered over whether I was making the right choice or not in my decision to confront Catcher. And whether or not, it was daft of me to put myself in such a predicament. But for some reason, although I had not yet deciphered Catcher's intentions, I felt strongly that he would not harm me.

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The following week Robin was out again with his friends for the day. And my opportunity had come.

I was strolling about the castle trying to find my way to the wing that hosted Robin's family. The other De Noirs. As I called them. But it wasn't Catcher I was looking for as I had decided instead of confronting him I would find Caudalie and casually press her for information as I have done so with Robin and Remy thus far.

Of course I would never waltz up to his family's bedchambers. I scolded myself for almost doing so as I stood before the first step that led up one more floor to their rooms. Instead I quickly pushed through a heavy wooden door on my right at the sound of footfalls fast approaching.

I emerged onto a second floor of what appeared to be a grand drawing room. I peered over the edge of the stone railing to find a beautiful seating area on the floor below. The fire was lit in the large fireplace and light poured in from the vast windows that lined the south wall.

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