Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 (The Mistaken Girl)

After a good sob on the kitchen floor, I collected myself and continued to make Tony’s meal. I was in excruciating pain but I couldn’t show that. I carried the macaroni and cheese to the room on a tray, praying it wouldn’t fall off. “Babe, your macaroni and cheese is ready,” I said, pushing open the door with my hip.

Tony looked up from the book he was reading and gave me a nod. “Thank you, love,” he said, using an affectionate nickname but still had a hard tone to his voice.

I guess he was still angry. He sat up and set the book down on the nightstand beside him. I went over and put the tray of food in front of him. “Your Pepsi will be brought to you shortly,” I said.

Tony nodded. “Okay,” he said, too busy munching on his food.

I ran to the kitchen and poured some Pepsi into a tall glass, adding two ice cubes into it. I took it back to our room, setting it on the nightstand beside him. “I hope you enjoy it and I am extremely sorry for my mistakes and it will never happen again,” I said, nervously.

Tony nodded, glaring at me. “It better not or else the punishment will be even more severe than a burn to the arm.”

I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched him eat. “How is it, dear?” I asked, trying my hardest to be nice.

“It’s nice. I didn’t really want Macaroni and Cheese but it will have to do. That is entirely my fault, I didn’t instruct you to go the grocery store and shop,” he said, eating.

I nodded. “I understand.”


After Tony finished eating, I took the tray away from him. “Are you still hungry, babe?” I asked.

Tony shook his head. “No, I’m fine. Go take that away and come back. We need to talk.”

I nodded, nervous. I took the tray back to the kitchen and came back to the room. Tony sat up immediately, patting his lap. I sat down on his lap, putting my arms around his neck. “We have two things we need to discuss,” he said seriously.

I frowned. “Okay, what?” I asked.

Tony sighed, rubbing my back. “I don’t want a repeat of what just happened but if you ever do something that bad again, I swear… You will be punished, got it?”

I gulped, nodding, knowing it was pointless to argue with him. Tony smiled. “Great, I love that you understand, babe. Now, for a more serious topic.”

I nodded, laying my head down on his shoulder. “You see, I run a good business and in my business, I need someone to one day, step up and take the position as boss from me but it has to be someone I trust,” he said, looking at me intently.

I frowned, nodding. “And?”

“You have no choice. You have to do this, okay?” Tony said.

I nodded. “Okay, what is it?”

Tony smiled. “I need you… To carry my child so he or she can be in the family business.”

I gulped. “Y-you mean… M-me getting p-pregnant?” I asked, stumbling on my words.

Tony chuckled, nodding. “That’s exactly what I mean.”

I sighed. I was only nineteen! I couldn’t take care of a baby yet! “I’m only nineteen,” I said quietly.

Tony nodded. “I’m aware that you are indeed a nineteen year old but you are also my soon to be wife. Plus, you are over the age limit. It’s perfectly legal.”

The Mistaken GirlWhere stories live. Discover now