Chapter 20

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I know, I put up a status saying I couldn't update because I felt sick but now it has faded away a bit and I'm fine now! I might not be able to update later because I'm going out. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! It's just with Christmas and all I had to spend it with the family. I hope you understand. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. I certainly like it! :) Some FAMILIAR characters come back in this chapter ;)


Chapter 20 (The Mistaken Girl)

“Paul!” I whisper yelled.

Caleb frowned at me. “Who is Paul?” he asked.

“They got him, too! Paul is inside there! Derek and Jayden got him too!” I said, panicking.

My poor Paul. My best friend. He got kidnapped, too along with Auburn! “We need to save him!” I said.

Caleb nodded. “We will, we just have to prepare.”

I nodded and continued to look in the window. Auburn was no where in sight. I could only see Paul, who was sitting on the couch by himself. Why wasn’t he escaping? “I can’t take this anymore! I need to get in now!” I said, standing up, making myself revealed.

I knocked on the window and Paul’s head snapped to me. His eyes widened so much, it looked like they were about to explode. He opened the window so I could come in, while Caleb crawled away, still concealing himself. “Aurora, what were you doing outside?” he asked, sitting me down on the couch beside him.

I shook my head, putting my hands on his shoulders. “What are you doing over here? It’s dangerous! We need to get you home quickly before anyone can see!” I said, standing up and yanking him with me.

Paul shook his head. “No, Aurora. Why did you escape?” he asked, staying in his spot.

I frowned. “Escape? Escape Tony’s house? I had to escape!” I said.

Paul just looked confused. He shook his head. “Tony? You were at Tony’s? What the hell is going on? You were here the whole time. I saw you,” he said, frowning.

I was confused too but my eyes widened in realization. “My sister is here, isn’t she? Isn’t she?!”

Paul shook his head, running a hand through his dark blonde hair. “Aurora, no, I have no idea what is going on or what you are talking about. Your sister is not here. She’s home, safe and sound.”

I shook my head. “No, she got kidnapped and brought with Derek and Jayden.”

Paul glared at the floor for awhile, thinking. Finally, he brought his head up. “Holy crap,” he said, silently.

I stared at him in confusion before I got it myself. “Wait, you were in this all along! And since you can’t tell the difference between me and Auburn, you thought Auburn was myself, didn’t you?!”

Paul sighed, sitting down on the couch. He dragged me down with him, keeping a tight grip on his wrist. I couldn’t believe this. My best friend was in on this all along! “Here’s what happened… I have always been obsessed with you. I’ve liked you for many years, Aurora, and all you saw me as was your best friend who you worked on the comic with. But I’ve also been friends with Derek and Jayden for many years, too. I showed them pictures of you whenever I was with them. One night, they told me that the girl who walked in on their murder was you. They recognized you from the pictures. I got all excited and decided to use this to my advantage…” Paul said, trailing off.

I gaped at him, trying to yank my wrist away but he held it tighter. He grabbed my other wrist so I wasn’t free at all. “You told them to go and kidnap me!” I said in realization.

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