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   She grabbed me by my hair, smirking. I didn't scream or anything, I just let myself be led out the door and to an empty classroom. Sasha, of course, had gone to the canteen, leaving me to be beaten once again.

   "Here she is!" Oulo clapped his hands together, pulling my bag off my back and emptying it on the floor. He picked up a small notebook and flipped through it, before throwing it hard at my head. "There's nothing in here!" Connie jumped up from his seat when he heard the door re-open.

   "Hey, only I can play with her!" Jean appeared in the doorway, before stepping in and locking the door behind him. Connie clapped his hands and jumped on a desk -God knows why. Jean walked over to where Petra was holding me by my hair. He pushed Petra's hand away and replaced her hand with his.

   "All of you, get out. No one comes in, alright?" He glanced at Petra. They all nodded and hurried out of the class, Connie face planting on the floor before picking himself up and following them all out.

   Jean grinned, pulling my (H/C) hair a little tighter to tilt my head back.

   "You know what, (Y/N)?" He said softly. I looked at the floor and shrugged my shoulders. He smirked and pulled my towards him. I closed y eyes and awaited the punches, but instead of a hard punch to the face, I felt a pair of cold lips press onto mine, roughly. "I don't like how pretty you are, it confuses me. Like, should I be kissing or beating the shit out of ya'?"

   "What?" I whispered. 

   "Shut up." He growled. He let go of my hair and his hand moved to my hip, and slamming me against the wall. All of my previous bruises began to throb in pain and I swear I heard something crack. "Don't think I love you, idiot. I just think you're good lookin', that's all." He pressed his lips to mine again.

   I wanted to get out of there so bad, but his hand was to the left of my, and his other was stopping me from moving to the right. The hand on my hip moved around to my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away slightly. He growled and grabbed my hair with his hand, bashing my head against the wall.

   "Stop trying to get away from me, Goddamit!" He hit my head over and over again on the wall. I felt a cold liquid trickle through my hair and down the back of my neck. I tried my best to stay conscious, but my vision kept on faltering. "Oi! Hey! Wake u-"


   As I opened my eyes, I could see that I was on a white bed. I blinked a couple of times as two faces appeared above me. I lifted my hands up to my face to cover myself from the expected punches.

   "Hey, (Y/N)?!" Sasha put my hands down and stared worriedly into my eyes. As I blinked a couple more times, the form of a red-head nurse appeared next to me.

   "Miss (L/N)? How are you feeling?" She asked. "I'm Nurse Durless, you're in the infirmary. You fell into a wall. How does your head feel?"

   "W-What...?" I whispered, reaching up to the back of my head. As I touched my scalp, I felt a sharp pain run through my spine. "It really... hurts. How did I g-get here?" 

   "Oh, oh! I know this!" Sasha said, stuffing potato in her mouth. With her mouth full, she beamed down at me. "Levi brought you up!"

   My eyes widened at her words. Levi? The Levi? Surely not the Gentleman Levi. I had only met Levi twice, and both times had been after I had been abused by The Titans. Both times, he offered to help in a very subtle way, and both times he had made me fall for him, even if we only spoke for a maximum of twenty seconds.

   At a first glance, you wouldn't call him a Gentleman at all. He always dissed people, ignored people, beat people up -who had hurt someone badly- and did other such things. However, he would hint in the most subtle ways that he would help you. He also dressed nicely, which caught my eyes all of the time.

   "Oh! And did you hear about what happened to The Titans?" Sasha said excitedly. I shook my head gently. She pulled back the hospital curtain, and I gasped. "No one knows who it was, though." She whispered down at me.

   Each of the four opposing beds were occupied by Oulo, Petra, Connie and Jean.

   Oulo had a fractured arm.

   Petra, a broken leg and her hair had been cut a little on the top.

   Connie had a cut nose and a bruised eye.

   Jean had a broken arm, leg, nose and a bloody bandage around his head.

   Each one of them was groaning in pain loudly, IVs connected to all of them. I looked up at Sasha, and I knew straight away who had done this.

   The Gentleman.

Captains And Gentlemen (Levi x Erwin x Reader) Possible (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now