Cheese...? Seriously?

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   After about ten minutes, it became time for registration. Levi got up and left, leaving me in shock. He just sat there as you tried to make small talk. His one worded answers weren't helping the conversation at all, but it was a conversation, albeit a really lame one.

   "(Y/N), how are you feeling?" Miss Durless asked me. I was staring out of the window in a world of my own, far too into my day dream to realise her question. She cleared her throat. Snapping out of my reverie, she smiled. "How does your head feel?"

   "O-Oh, I feel fine, thank you." I smiled weakly. She nodded, writing down on her clipboard. Scurrying off, she returned barely ten seconds later with a tray of breakfast.

   "Here, I asked your friend what you liked, and this is what she answered with. I hope it's all to your liking!" She placed the tray on the table next to me. 

   It was clear who she had asked. There was an abundance of bread rolls on the plate with two neatly placed potatoes. A helper of Miss Durless walked in, holding a cup of hot chocolate. She beamed as she straightened her glasses with her other hand. Not noticing the wire of an IV across the floor, she tripped over it, sending the cup to smash on the floor.

   She re-adjusted her glasses and squealed in forgiveness. "I'm so sorry! I-I'll go make another one!" She stood up and bowed apologetically, before flattening her red hair and scurrying out of the room and down the hall.

   "Dammit, Mey-Rin..." Miss Durless muttered, glaring at the mess on the floor. "Don't worry, I'll clean that up later!"

   "Oh, I don't mind. But shouldn't she get new glasses? Those are cracked." I pointed on the direction the assistant went in.

   "She refuses. I don't know why, but she just does." She sighed. "Anyway, during lunch, once I finish the write up, you are free to go!"

   "Oh, why thank you!" I exclaimed. The assistant came in again and carefully stepped over the IV line and the previous mess she had made. Setting the cup down next to me, she smiled.

   "Here you go, Miss!" She bowed and skipped off.


   "For the last time, Sasha, the moon is not made out of cheese!"

   Sasha was deep in thought. Her legs were set up next to the empty cup, nearly knocking it over and onto the floor. Her finger was gently tapping her chin in sync with her chewing as she thought of impossible things.

   "Why else would Wallace and Gromit go?" She asked me, tapping her chin again.

   "You're so stupid, Sasha." I chuckled. She smiled and jumped into the air, flinging her arms in the air.

   "Opposites attract!"

   "Watch out!" Miss Durless yelled, dodging Sasha's untamed arms. Sasha pulled her arms to herself and bowed apologetically. Miss Durless glared at her a little before smiling at me. "Just a couple more things to write, and you can go!"

   "Shouldn't you be in lesson?" Mey-Rin poked out from behind Miss Durless, pointing at Sasha.

   "Oh yeah..." She widened her eyes, remembering the whole reason she came to school. Just as she was about to run off, the bell for lunch break rang. Sasha hit herself on her head, before stopping and grinning. "It was only geography. Hehehe..." She rubbed her hands together evilly.

   "...aaaand you are free to go!" Miss Durless finished off writing and beamed at me. I sat up and felt the back of my head; it didn't hurt at all, and I could barely feel a mark.


   "So," Sasha began, pulling out a bread roll from her pocket. "what shall we do now?"

   "Sasha, where the hell do you get- you know what, I don't even care." I waved my hand in dismissal.

   "We could go to McDonalds?" She asked hopefully. I tapped my cheek, smiling.

   "Uh, yeah!" I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

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