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I decided to stay with Erwin the rest of the day.

"How about some pancakes?" I suggested as we walked to the kitchen. Erwin smiled and nodded.

Levi had locked himself in his room. Every time I walked past his room, I had to hold myself back from in there and apologising. Erwin said that I have 'nothing to apologise for', and so I just kept walking.

I bent down to one of the cupboards and pulled out a frying pan. Everything was so clean and organised that it almost hurt my eyes.

I put it on the hob and then went around the room to collect the ingredients.

"Flour..." I muttered to myself as I took the bag of flour from the lower cupboard.

"I'll get the eggs!" Erwin called happily as he walked to the fridge. I smiled and nodded.

When Erwin returned with the eggs, I had gotten all of the other indredients, apart from one; the milk.

It was far too high in the fridge for me to reach. I stood on my tip-toes and touched the edge of the carton.

"Let me get it, shorty." Erwin smirked as he took the milk down from the fridge. I glared at him playfully before hurrying back to the mixture to finish it off.

As I was mixing, I saw Erwin looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the mix and recipe.

He walked behind me and gave me a hug, nuzzling my neck. "You're stunning." He whispered.

I stopped whisking and turned around in his arms. I hugged him back and smiled. The next thing I knew, my right cheek was covered in batter. Erwin took a step back and laughed.

I pretended to carry on whisking. Erwin walked up behind me. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He said in a sing song voice.

I turned back around and smiled brightly. "Apology accepted." Before he had time to reply, I wiped my batter covered hand all over his face. He stood in shock as I giggled and cleaned my hands in the sink before he could snap out of his shock.

As I dried them, he turned around and grinned. I threw the towel on the table and ran out of the room, barely escaping Erwin. As I ran to the room, I opened the door and hid behind it.

A couple of seconds later, a batter-covered Erwin burst through the open door. He inspected the empty room with a smile on his face.

"Oh no," he said in a fake tone. He looked around the room with his hands on his hips. "Wherever did she go?"

I held back a laugh and slowly closed the door. Just as Erwin was going to turn around, I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs tightly around him. He stumbled forward just a little before steadying himself and laughing. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You're so cute, (Y/N)!" He beamed. I hugged him tight before hopping off and skipping into the bathroom.

I went over to the sink and washed the pancake mix off my face. I dried my face on a towel, before wetting a corner and walking out.

"Come here." I told Erwin. He stood in front of me and stayed still as I wiped the batter away.

"God, you're handsome." I absent-mindedly muttered to myself. Erwin smiled.

"Am I really?" He asked and raised an eyebrow, his hands finding there way around my waist. I blushed when I realised I had spoken out loud.

"Uh... y-yeah...?" I stuttered. Erwin pushed the cloth away and moved his head to mine, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"Why thank you." He smirked and hugged me. "Now then, shall we get back to the pancakes?"

I nodded and skipped down the hallway. I reached the kitchen and began to make the pancakes. The first one was all soggy and undercooked, but the second was a little better.

"Could I try and flip one?" Erwin asked, resting his elbows on the counter next to me.

"Sure." I said as I handed him the handle. He gestured for me to stand back as he got in position.

His wrist quickly flicked and the pancake was soaring behind him. He turned and hurried to the other aide of the room, catching it just in time.

"Whew," He wiped his brow and gave the pan back to me. "I dont think I'll do that again!"

I laughed at him and finished the pancake. I made about ten more as I thought.

Erwin wasn't called, 'The Captain' for no reason.

He was the Captain of nearly every club in the school. The Cricket, Football, Basketball, Running, Boxing, Shooting and every other sport was controlled by him. He also helped his father, Tanaka, run the school. People sometimes called him by his title 'Commander' whenever they saw him.

Thinking of titles, my mind wandered over another.

The Gentleman.

Captains And Gentlemen (Levi x Erwin x Reader) Possible (Jean x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon