The Order

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I hated this feeling. It was horrible. It felt like guilt, anger, pain, sorrow and even a slight hunt of relief, although I had just lost the biggest lives of my life.

I had ran straight last my dorm and was heading towards the quad, where I was sure no one would be. After all, it was midnight. I ran through the grassy area and sat down on the wooden picnic bench.

My heart instantly began to crack into pieces. I had first lost Levi, who I loved so much, by the hand of Erwin, and now I had left Erwin by my own fault. No, not a fault. A choice. One that anyone was free to make... right?

I set my head on the desk and wrapped my hands over the back of my head. No tears fell from my eyes, but I could tell that this was easily the worst pain I had ever felt. Not only had I been confronted by Levi, but I was hurting him, and breaking his heart.

"Well, well." A sly voice sounded. "Look what we have here~"

"Oh? So I've been demoted to an object now, have I?" I stated plainly, not even needing to turn around to realise it was Oluo.

He grabbed a fistfull of my hair and lifted my face up, smirking at my pained expression. "We had specific orders from our boss to bring you to him tonight."

"And it turns out it'll be easier than we thought." Petra appeared next to him. She grabbed a small but I'd my hair and pulled it just enough to hurt but not to come off.

"I know, right?!" Connie skipped towards them.

I had no will to fight back or object, and so I just let Oluo put me over his shoulder and take me around the back of the academy. I watched as the usually crowded areas turned into the places nobody dares to go in case they would get beaten up. I knew we had gone to the farthest edge of the school when the spray paint and smashed glass came into my vision. We went through a small doorway and entered a room.

"Oh, hello, (Y/N)." Jean's familiar voice cut deeply through the dead air. Oluo dropped me onto the concrete floor and smirked. When I looked up at Jean, my jaw nearly dropped; he didn't even look as if he had had his bones broken. He noticed my stare and carried on. "Skele-Grow. It's a wonderful thing." He said whilst stretching his arms.

"Evidently." I muttered.

He smirked and crouched down to my height. His eyes clicked over to his three accomplices. "Don't let anyone in, okay?"

They all nodded and left the dark room. When the broken door, which was hanging off it's hinges, clicked shut, Jean stood up and held my hand to pull me up with him. When I balanced myself, Jean slammed me against the wall behind me and his his face in the crook of my neck.

"Why..." He whispered as his lips gently skimmed my neck. One of his hands fell to my hip as his other one held onto my shoulder.

"W-Why what?" I asked quietly.

He growled quietly. "Why are you so pretty? Why do I want to kiss you, rather than hit your head with my fist?" He kissed my neck once. "Why are you doing this to me?!" He said through gritted teeth as his head moved to directly in front of mine. His lips were barely millimetres away from mine, making my head and heart strain.

I really needed something to take my mind off Erwin and Levi, but I couldn't kiss Jean! And yet I hated the teasing he was doing so much...

"(Y/N), kiss me." He said.

My mind stopped. "What?"

"Kiss me. Make me feel like I'm not forcing you to do this." He asked. I squeezed my eyes shut and put my hands on his shoulders.

"I... Jean..." I blushed insanely and hesitated.

"Make me feel loved, (Y/N). Since I know no-one will anyway..." He trailed off. I suddenly felt a pang of sadness in my heart.

I looked up into his eyes. He looked down at me with a slight blush on his cheeks. "It's not a request: it's an order." He said harshly.

I bit my lip and moved my arms to go around his neck. I really didn't want to kiss him... and yet... I did. I desperately needed something to take my mind off the Gentleman and the Captain, but was this okay? I mean, I had no choice anyway.

I inhaled and looked into his eyes. "Yes, Master." I said quietly before I connected our lips. He immediately took over and dominated me, making me feel small. He wanted me to make him feel loved, and so I would.

I slowly turned around so he was where I was and pressed him against the wall. We broke away from the kiss.

"(Y/N), tell me you love me." He whispered as he stroked my (H/C) hair softly.

I had never seen this side of him before, but, to be honest, I liked it.

I fake-smiled as best as I could and pecked his jawline all the way from his ear to his chin. When I reached his chin, I planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you, Jean."

Captains And Gentlemen (Levi x Erwin x Reader) Possible (Jean x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu