Changing Rooms

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As I handed the equipment to the teacher, I felt a hard stare on my neck. I had stayed back to help put all of the equipment away. The stare became harder, but I ignored it and began to walk to the changing room. Before I could open the door, I was slammed against the wall, but not hard enough for it to hurt.

"Why was Levi kissing you, may I ask?" Erwin raised an eyebrow. Both of his hands were either side of my head, prohibiting any attempt to move away.

"Can I go and g-get changed please?" I tried not to stutter, but failed miserably.

Erwin fake gasped. "Did I just hear a stutter?"

I shook my head and glared hard at him. I put my hand on his arm and tried to move it away, but he was too strong.

"I thought I told you that you belonged to me?" He tilted his head as his expression returned to his usual stoic one.

"I-I don't belong to anyone." I sneered, hoping that that would be enough for him to let go of me.

His mouth twisted into a smirk. "Oh really? Then I guess I can do this."

His hand slid to my back as he pulled me on for a kiss. I put my hands on his shoulders and tried my best to push him away. I must've been there for too long, because I got absolutely lost in the kiss.

I tried my best to push him away, but he was far too strong. I didn't want him to kiss me and yet at the same time, I really did.

I liked the feeling of feeling small. I liked being dominated over, and the fact that he was significantly taller than me made me want him to kiss me and hold me so bad.

Sure, I still have extremely strong feelings for Levi, but Erwin was too creeping into my heart. I felt my heart break a little bit, knowing that I had broken my promise with Levi.

After a couple of minutes, he pulled back to allow me to breathe. My whole face was boiling and bright red.

"You are so cute." He smiled, kissing my cheek. I frowned and pushed him back.

"D-Don't do that again." I bit my lip and looked away. Erwin smirked and took my head in his hands.

"I think you want me to do it again." He bent down and kissed me again, this time trying to elicit a moan to spur him on. After twenty seconds, I couldn't hold back anymore. My arms hooked onto Erwin's neck as he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Right then, we were both so late for fifth lesson that everyone had left the changing rooms. Erwin walked into the male changing room and closed the door behind us.

My heart pounded harder and harder. I really, really wanted to go and see Levi like he wanted me to, but I couldn't seem to get myself to move away from him.

He was so much stronger and taller than Levi, but equally as handsome. They both had their good and bad points, but right now I couldn't see either of them. I could only see Erwin.

As he pressed me up against the door, I tangled one of my hands into his hair. He kissed me greedily and almost immediately gained dominance over the kiss.

His hand went under my top and around my bare waist, making me shiver. He moaned quietly at the feeling, causing me to bite my lip.

"Erwin~" I moaned out. At the sound of my voice, he locked the door and lay be down on the ground. He got onto all fours above me and looked into my eyes.

Lust, hunger, greed and love were clear in his eyes.

He bent down and kissed me without hesitation. My legs automatically wrapped around his waist again.

"That's funny, I thought you didn't want me to do that again?" He teased. I blushed and looked away.

Erwin was so hot.

Captains And Gentlemen (Levi x Erwin x Reader) Possible (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now