My Unfortunate Lucky Love? ~part 2~ (Teto) The Mark (Len)

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My Unfortunate Lucky Love? ~part 2~ (Teto)
The Mark (Len)

(Len's POV)

Rin has been acting weird lately, or is weirdness a part of her nature? I don't know but I'm worried at the same time, and literally my hand has been itching the whole day like really! I checked my right hand's back and it was a bit red from my scratches, I really can't help but scratch it, but whenever I do, it burns! Damn, life is so sophisticated!

I continued walking while trying to ease the pain of itch to my next class, I just hope this stops soon, I'll probably go to the clinic later after school.

(Teto's POV)

⏳Time Skip⏳

It's the end of school and what a very lucky day for me 'cause it is raining and I don't have an umbrella yay! *Note the sarcasm* I sighed, I guess I should probably wait for the rain to stop.

⚡BOOM!!!⚡ *SFX of lighting*

Or not

I then felt a presence near me and I turned my head and only to find out that it was Ted...right. "hi--" I immediately humphed and looked away from him, while my blood boiled "hey look... I'm sorry okay?.." he softly spoke and I still ignored him and I heard him sigh, really? After everything he'll just apologize?! "I...I never really knew that it was yours..." he explained, which made me look at him and furrow my brows "you might not believe me was Zatsune..." he explained and that name made send shivers down my spine and make my blood boil once more "b-but I don't expect you to believe me...if you're still mad at me...take this as an apology gift from me"

He then took a hold of his bag and opened it and fished out a notebook, and what was so different is that, it was my notebook! It wasn't the same cover but it was really cute and pretty. I carefully took it from his hands and a something popped out of my head. Did he read what was on it? I looked at him cautiously and narrowed my eyes on him, at first he was confused, then later on, he widened his eyes getting the message and shook his head same for his hands "oh, no! I didn't look at it! I swear" he promised and I smiled and placed the notebook inside my bag "apology accepted" I said and his smile widened, I never realized that he was so handsome-- yo what?! He then opened his umbrella and spoke again "you look more beautiful when you smile, I hope you smile forever" he then brought the umbrella to me waiting for me to take it, I instantly blushed at his words and I hesitantly took the umbrella from his hands and he smiled waving a goodbye.

"Well...see you tomorrow Teto" he smiled brightly and covered his head with his bag and run off "u-uhh...y-yeah, tomorrow w-we shall see, I-I mean! See y-you tomorrow too! Whoa! Why am I stuttering?" I looked at myself thinking of an answer when somebody answered it for me "I think I know the answer" I jumped from the voice and it turns out to be Rin, smiling slyly at me "you're in love Teto" she nudged me and made me blush furiously, she laughed when she saw my reaction and winked playfully at me "don't you try to deny it!" She playfully said which made me chuckle.

But what if Rin was right? I maybe in love with Ted.

(Len's POV)

I walked to the clinic and was glad that I am already here because this itching is a non-stop! I knocked and opened the door and the doctor was there working on some papers, she looked back at me and smiled and gestured me to come in. I immediately walked in and closed the door behind me and showed her the back of my hand all red "doctor, my hand, it's been itching after I woke up at my home" I explained, she then took my hand and examined it and gestured me to follow her, I nodded and followed her until we reached a room. She let me sit on a chair and she took out some book, she flipped the pages and after reading something, she placed the book on a table and and faced the palm of her hand at mine and she started to chant a healing spell.

"The itch of this hand is devoted with pain,

Let me heal the hurt with all thy may

Your red color is filled with hate

Let the swollen truth be tamed"

After saying that,my hand glowed blue and the red swollen part of it disappeared and so is the pain and burn on it, I happily smiled but then something was amiss. The back of my hand suddenly glowed gold and then when it disappeared both of us were shocked to see a inscripted sign, or a mark rather printed on it, it was a simple mark of a gold shield and in front of it is a sword in a diagonal position a bit to the bottom right of it, though the mark feels...familar

I heard the doctor gasp as she stood up "the mark!" She said, I became alert and stood up too "w-what's wrong doc?" I asked and she just shook her head and told me to leave and let the mark be, whence I am already out of the clinic I started to become curious about the mark on my hand, hmm...why is this so familiar to me? I examined it and just shrugged and just went home.

(Doctor's POV)

So it was true? She is here....

I ran as fast as I could to the Principal's office and whence I did, I knocked on the door hoping she's inside "come in!" I heard her shout and I opened the door and quickly came in and shut the door behind me to make sure no one is listening to our conversation, she turned her chair around and saw me and smiled "oh, it's you doctor, what do you need?" She formally said, I bowed and started to speak "Miss Kagome, she's here!" I said and she raised her brow and fixed her posture "what do you mean?" she asked confused and I sighed deeply and held my stomach "you do know about the Princess of Solaria that is lost in our world...right?" I explained, she looked down and nodded then looked back at me again "yes, yes I do...the Magic Council has been looking for her for a very very long time..." she trailed off and smiled back at me again "but what does that have to do with what, you just said?" She asked her hands entwined with each other on her desk, I inhaled and exhaled deeply and started to get straight to the point "I...I think...I think the Princess is this school" after I said that she widen her eyes and stood up quietly her hands at her chest "what?!" She shockingly but gracefully said and I nodded "h-how did you know?!"

"I found The Knight just a few minutes ago" I answered and she furrowed her brows and scratched her head "you mean he confronted you?" She replied and I shook my head "no miss, he was a student, he came to me and told me that his hand was itching and I saw that it was swelling, so I cured him with a spell in one of my books but then his hand glowed and it showed the mark of The Knight" I explained what just happened a few minutes ago and she looked away her back facing me,she is having a deep thought "who is this student, if I may ask?" She questioned and I answered never hesitant "the popular boy in this school...Kagamine Len" I answered while crossing my arms at my chest "him?" She faced me with a amazed look and I nodded "and I believe to have a theory miss" I added and she gestured me to continue "and that is?"

"I believe both the Princess' of both sides are here, The Princess of Solaria and The Princess of Dark Nightmare" just as I said the last part, she gasped and widen her eyes "is it because of that incident?" She guessed and I nodded "yes, the incident when out of nowhere a dark cloudy arrow was heading straight towards a student named Kagamine Rin, and she had the Nightmare Trance but was safe" I had a pause to see her reaction and she arched a brow "Kagamine Rin you say?" She questioned and I replied with a nod "that girl...there is a possibility that she is the Princess right?" She added and I shrugged "she could, but there is another student who has the name of Kagamine" I said and she nodded "and about the Princess of Dark Nightmare, some teachers were telling us that they were feeling her presence and so is with the presence of the Princess of Solaria" I explained once more and she slammed her hands at the desk.

"We have to tell this to the Magic Council!"


Hey guys! Sorry for the short update but it was all that I can do for now, NAT examination is coming up, so I'm preparing myself. Also I'm not gonna publish Author's note anymore because it's just wasting a lot of chapters if you know what I mean, but I hope you guys liked this one!

Sayonara for now!😉😎

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