A War's Beginning

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Another day has passed and the Royal Assembly had to figure out a new plan to begin with. All and all, it was tiring, and very exhausting. Rin was actually drained like a wilted flower. One of the most disturbing reasons she's tired, is because she was starting to sense something strong hit her like as if a thousand needles pinned her down.

Most especially when she would cross paths with her enemy.

Just like that one time when they accidentally bumped into each other, she didn't just felt a 'bump', she felt as if a hard metal had pushed her hard, making her breathe heavily.

Or maybe that one time when they would accidentally lock eyes with each other, and her oceanic blue eyes felt like as if they were burning on hot red fire.

And possibly that one time when they were assigned to sit next to each other. That moment was probably the most hateful and dreadful thing in her whole life. She felt like as if she was suffocating whenever she would have a chance to talk to her, she would either respond shortly, or just plain breathless.

After those occasions occur, the blonde tried her best to avoid the black haired girl without looking suspicious.

But sadly, there is this one class where she knows that she cannot escape.

Magic Class.

Honestly, it wasn't a bad class, Rin actually loved it. She would enjoy watching her classmates fight and learn from one another through the different battles. Sometimes, she would even be called out and fight with one of her classmates too.

And yet, she was about to be called once again.

"Kagamine Rin." Ms. Knickerbutcher, with her glasses fixed and her stare pierced into her own, she nodded and stood up—though, not before she waved at her friends who gave her a thumbs up and good lucks—walking up next to her adviser.

Her sapphire orbs roamed back to her previous seat to see Len smile lovingly at her and winked flirtatiously, it almost made her knees weak, but nevertheless, she giggled at his action and waited for her opponent to be called out for battle.

Although, she was shocked with the name that she never knew she'd hear again.

"Zatsune Miku."

The name slipped from the teacher's lips so easily but yet, as it echoed throughout the whole Battle Hall, it felt too powerful for a mere Magic Holder to speak, therefore the whole Hall went silent. The only sound emitting was from the footsteps of the said girl with the black and red colored features.

All eyes watched her every movement as she strolled down at the opposite side of her adviser, but not before she glanced at the blonde girl.

"All right, take your positions." Ms. Knickerbotcher calmly proclaimed, pointing at the Battle Field, as the two battlers walked at the opposite sides of the field.

As soon as both princesses took their place, the atmosphere almost changed too quickly. Rin and Zatsune had gazed at each other, and neither of them dared to look away—not even a second—and never removed the glare that was found in the depths of their soul.

"Let the battle, commence!" She declared before taking steps backwards, quietly hoping that she had not made the wrong decision in choosing. But little did she know, she was gonna get the biggest surprise of her life and the most righteous decision she has ever made.

"I hate you." Zatsune first spoke between them after a long silence, "and I never get sick of that line." Rin retorted back with a smirk on her face, her attitude changing quickly.

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