Lost and Found

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This chapter is dedicated to KryptiCat , Orange_Chan , DipStick45 , and owlofbluemoons
I'll explain who they are later after this chapter, for now, just enjoy reading!

Lost and Found

(Rin's POV)


I silently walked down the cemented road towards my own humble abode. I understood completely that Len is going to be busy today, I don't really mind either way.

Anyways, it's also been a while that I've had a peaceful walk by myself these days.

Then, it wasn't that long when I suddenly saw something glowing bright at the corner of my eyes, but, when I blinked, it was gone! Huh? I wonder what that is? I just shrugged off that thought and continued in walking down, but I couldn't shake this feeling that..I should follow it.

Gah! What am I saying? I—


My thoughts were cut off when I heard my name whispered quietly, so quiet, anybody can barely hear it, but I did.

I whizzed my head to the direction of where I heard the voice and I saw the bright glow again! And somehow, my body had moved on its own, because my feet are starting to walk closer to it and follow it. And just as I was already close enough, the glow hid behind the bushes, making me dash right after it.

Once I reached the bush, I realized that it was followed by a row of green bushes, I raised my brow in curiosity as I followed the bush, but after a few minutes, I got tired and impatient.

I hummed in response to my ignorance as I looked around to try and find the source of the golden light. I carefully let my eyes roam around the place when I found, at the far end of another row of bushes, the same glow from before! I have to get it!

I encouraged myself as my feet started to pick up the pace and run faster towards the light. When I was close enough once again, it called after my name again.


It was still like a whisper, but much more louder this time. I slowly walked closer to it, letting my hand hover at it to try and touch its light when it slipped by my fingers and into the pile of bushes.

"Huh?" I curiously reacted, taking a few more steps closer to the bush. I examined the bush real closely before I had an idea.

I let both of my hands travel to the bush, both grabbing a pile of leaves, twigs, and branches, and finally pushed them to the opposite side of each other, taking my foot in before the other and releasing my hold on the bush.

I immediately brushed any excess leaves and twigs out of me before I examined my surroundings.

But the only thing that captivated my eyes is the light, the light with the bright golden glow.

My eyes widened at the beautiful and majestic sight. The glow came from a woman, she was taller than me and was levitating above two feet from the ground. Everything that I see in her was gold. She had golden hair tied up in a beautiful messy bun, her face a brighter shade of gold, her twinkling eyes are another pair of gold, her golden dress that overflowed with such gentle bliss, and her golden bare feet that never touched the ground.

She was like the sun. So bright, so warm, and overall, so enlightening.

I then had a sudden and strange feeling starting to rise up in me, I don't know what, but I feel like..I've known this person..but I know I haven't.

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