Clash Enchantment (2)

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Blood, sweat, and tears formed and trickled down Miku's face.

She was trying her best to give everything she had. She had risked her life just to save Rin's own, being her Guardian, and one of the world's saviors.

Miku had done everything in her power to fight off the dark side's Guardian, Lily Masuda.

Honestly, she didn't expect her to be siding off on the dark side, and much likely to be Zatsune's Guardian. Miku had always known that girl had no motive to join them. Lily was such a kind girl—despite how annoying she can be—still, she was corrupted to join their side.

What could have been going on?

"Ah~ Hatsune Miku~ such a pleasure to battle with you." Lily spoke as she bowed as if showing some high respect for the teal haired girl. "How would you like to have the honor of making the first attack?" She asked, her index finger tapping her cheek while an almost genuine smile formed on her lips.

Miku's eyes narrowed down into cat-like eyes. Examining her from top to bottom. "Aw, come on. Don't be shy~" the blonde continued to bicker as she clasped her hands together and patiently waited for her foe to strike.

Still, the tealette paid no attention to her faulty words whatsoever and noticed a small yet, unexplainable detail she overlooked.

"Has your eyes always been that dark?" Miku spoke, no words related to whatever Lily had said before. But, upon hearing the strange question caught the blonde off guard, tilting her head to one side with a confused face.

"What do you mean?" She asked, then later, smiled as if it was just nothing, "my eyes had always been a beautiful shade of dark blue, do you not remember?" Lily asked as she pointed a finger at her eyes.

'No, I don't recall you having those dark eyes,' Miku thought as she had intently stared at Lily's eyes longer, 'you've always had a lighter shade of eyes.' She disclaimed, pursing her lips together into a thin line as an image of Lily's sea blue eyes flashed inside her mind.

' She disclaimed, pursing her lips together into a thin line as an image of Lily's sea blue eyes flashed inside her mind

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'Something's wrong,' she implied to herself, 'definitely wrong.' These thoughts of conclusions clouded her head as she watched Lily float a few inches away and had a hand raised.

"Well, if you're not gonna move there, then I guess I'll take that chance." Lily cooed, although the tone of her voice sounded peculiar than the usual.

Hearing this, Miku snapped out of her train of thoughts and found out that Lily had a black rope swung over to her. And without a second that counted, she had herself latched inside the rope's grip. The tealette tried to wiggle her way out of the dark magic surrounding her, but as if the rope had contradicted her moves, it tightened itself around her body much harder as if squeezing the life out of her.

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