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Kasane Ted

Was a good friend, an obedient son, a smart student, and a serene lover.

May you Rest In Peace

The next week had came and everyone had gathered around the cemetery to give their condolences to the person who risked their life just for another, Kasane Ted.

His family was gathered near by his burial, tears falling down their faces—mourning at the loss of their child and family member. His friends were there too—particularly the Royal Assembly—and the rest of the school who attended his funeral, also mourning at his tragic loss.

But, none of them compared to his lover—Teto. She had been shedding tears and sobbed harder than the rest of them. Ted's family were even there to comfort their supposedly daughter-in-law. Rin and the others couldn't help but to sit alongside her as she kept mourning for Ted.

Once the funeral had finished, most people left except for his family, the Royal Assembly, and of course—Teto.

"He will be remembered, Teto." Rin reassured as she placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing it with the hopes that it will calm her down. "I hope so." She answered back as a frown formed on her lips.

"Don't be so glum, sugar plum!" Nero joked as he wrapped an arm around her neck. "I bet Ted's smiling down at us right now, he wouldn't want to see you frowning—would he?" He asked as he patted her head, earning a small light-hearted chuckle from her.

"Exactly, Ted would want you to be happy. He risked his life just for yours, it means he wants you to live your life to fullest—might he be here or not." Rin added, gently turning Teto's body to face her, their eyes met and locked gazes. "He loves you, and his sacrifice would mean nothing if he wouldn't be remembered—especially if you didn't."

Teto widened her eyes in shock. "What? No! I could never! Why—"

"And that's why you're the person who would never forget him. Because, you love him." Rin cut off with a warm smile that crept up her face. Teto's once tense expression toned down as tears started to collect itself in the brim of her eyes. "Oh, guys.."

"Come on, everyone! Group hug!" Nero exclaimed as he flung his arms in the air before engulfing the two girls in his arms and the rest followed after, copying his movement as they all shared a big loving group hug.

The Kasane family smiled in content to the group, they were so pleased to see such great friends come together in one place—and was glad Ted had found them too.

Greatly, it was all such a wondrous journey. Nobody knew what had came next, but they were all prepared for it.

The future might be planned, but it can change with even the slightest bit of action of choice you do—may it be big or small.

The End


It's over—sadly over.

This book ends right here. And to think that I finished this on the last day of summer😅.

Although, I've enjoyed these moments with all of you—creating chapters for all of you. I loved and treasured every single bit of it.


See what it is on my last Author's Note just right after this.


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