The Valentine Confession

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The Valentine Confession

☀️🌙The Next Day🌙☀️

A Few Hours Later

(Rin's POV)

[ Are you sure you're okay? ]

I heard Miku's voice ask me with worry. I smiled at her thoughtfulness as I shook my head "I'm fine Miku, really.." I answered back as I was getting ready for something special.

[ Okay, if you say so—oh! I almost forgot! Are you ready for your confession? ]

After those words left her mouth, I instantly stopped, like literally froze, nailed on my spot. I hitched a breath but then I felt my heart beat faster once again, and my mind filled with Len's face "I-I'm—y-yeah! Yeah! I-I can! I'm ready!" I stuttered as my hand clutched my chest that was already tightening itself, I then heard sighing and whispering from the other line "M-Miku..?" I called back to her when she didn't answer me after a few seconds.

[ W-what? Oh, yeah! Yeah, I knew you were ready! ]

She finally replied and I just sighed heavily "wish me luck, I guess?" I replied back and I heard her chuckle and felt her head nod.

[ I actually don't think you need luck but..oh well, good luck Rin! ]

"Hehe, thanks..I gotta go, bye!"

[ Bye! ]

I removed my phone from my ear and placed it down on my orange bed and sighed once again. I looked down on my bed to see my favorite orange dress, an orange shaped shoulder bag, and my orange sneakers. Orange addict you say? Well yes, yes I am.

I'm really nervous, but to hell with that! I gotta be confident! ^_~* but too much confidence might make me look clingy, sheesh, this is too much stress for only one day. I bit my bottom lip only just thinking about it, and speaking of..I haven't called Len yet! I then hurriedly grabbed my phone and pressed contacts when I saw his name, I pressed it and it started to ring.

*ring* *ring*

[ Hello? ]

"Len, hi!"

[ Oh, hey Rin! ]



[ So..why did you call me? ]

"O-oh! I almost forgot! I-I was just gonna ask if you can uh..hang out with me today?"

[ Sure! Actually, I was supposed to ask the same thing! ]

"Wow really? What a coincidence!"

[ Yeah, by the way. Happy Valentines! ]

"Thanks, happy valentines to you too!"

[ Okay, see you! ]

"Yeah, bye!"

I ended the call and took deep breaths you can do this Rin, you can do this! I encouraged myself as I started to take a bath. Brush my teeth. And changed my clothes. When I was done, I brushed my hair smoothly, placed my signature white bunny-like headband, and I was set and ready to go! I smiled at myself before I completely went out of my room and down to the living room. I checked other things before I was fully out of the mansion and locked the doors. I looked behind me to see no sign of Len yet which made me gave out a sigh of relief.

"You can do can do this.." I said to myself as I looked down to see my homemade chocolate and letter for Len, I felt my heart beat faster again and my cheeks' temperature rising this is too much I tell you! Too much! "Rin?" My thoughts ended when I heard his voice call out to my name which made me froze instantly and slowly faced him.

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